The Chicago Journal

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A MarijuanaBreathalyzer Should Even the Field

Marijuana is commonly considered to be a harmless drug in today’s society. That becomes more apparent with each passing election. So far, fifteen states have legalized recreational use for adults over 21 years of age. Using marijuana for medical purposes is legal in thirty-four states in the nation.

It’s becoming more apparent with each passing election that the majority of Americans consider marijuana to be a “harmless” drug. That’s putting employers in a tough spot because whether it’s legal or not, marijuana inhibits clear thinking and slows response time.

Are they considering employers at all?

Obviously, society as a whole isn’t too concerned about where employers are left standing in the face of legalization. In fact, many people think that legal marijuana means that employers will no longer test for the drug.

Actually, some employers are choosing to remove marijuana from their test panels. Mainly, because they’re having trouble hiring people. Applicants who are otherwise qualified to accept the position can’t make it past the pre-employment drug test because they smoke pot.

Of course, the majority of business owners will continue to drug test as long as it remains on the federal government’s controlled substances list. Thankfully, lawmakers don’t prohibit employers from testing for marijuana—with a couple of exceptions anyway.

Governing officials in both New York City and the State of Nevada passed laws banning employers from including marijuana on their pre-employment drug tests. They took effect during 2020. Both governments have carve-outs in place regarding safety-sensitive positions. That leaves employers regulated by the DOT in the clear, however, the measure might benefit all employers.

A leg to stand on

In addition to safety-sensitive positions including firefighters, emergency personnel, and drivers, the Nevada law includes that workers who “in the determination of the employer, could adversely affect the safety of others.”

The New York City law has a broader list of exceptions. One of them is that employers may continue to test for marijuana “in any position with the potential to significantly impact the health or safety of employees or members of the public,”

In light of the safety carve-outs, employers were encouraged to look at each job description and consider the safety aspect of each. If there was a way to link the position to a safety issue, it was documented within the description. This could allow continued pre-employment drug testing should the position open up.

Will the ban on pre-employment drug testing pave the way for other state and local governments to follow suit? Moreover, the federal government has several pending bills introduced that will remove marijuana from the controlled substances list entirely.

“So far, leaving marijuana legalization at the state level isn’t working out well for companies operating in multiple states,” said David Bell. CEO of USA Mobile Drug Testing. “One reason being when laws vary from state to state, it makes it difficult to maintain a company-wide drug testing policy.”

If marijuana is legal in your state, remain vigilant and stay abreast of the rapidly changing laws in regard to the company drug test.

It’s all about that test

Sometimes it appears that state and local governments pass laws that benefit the employee far more than the employer. Largely in part, due to lobbyists and advocates pressuring lawmakers to force employers to drop marijuana from employee drug tests entirely.

Their reasoning is that current testing methods identify drug metabolites rather than the parent drug itself.

“Like everything we ingest, the body metabolizes drugs and leaves metabolites behind awaiting excretion,” Bell explained. “Employers choose the urine test far more often than any other because it’s the most cost-effective. Unfortunately—for those who use marijuana anyway—the metabolites stow away in the fat cells. The body doesn’t release them as rapidly as other drug metabolites.”

The length of time that the three common testing methods identify marijuana differs considerably.

  • Urine drug tests identify marijuana in the system for up to 45 days or longer for heavy users. Those who use less frequently test positive for at least three days up to several weeks. It all depends on the frequency of use.
  • Mouth swab tests detect marijuana use immediately after smoking up to approximately 24 hours later. Some think that because it identifies the drug so quickly, it’s a test for current impairment. That isn’t so. There is no way to determine if the employee used just prior to the test or is nearing the end of the 24 hour period.
  • Hair follicle testing identifies any drug use for a three month period. It takes a few days for the metabolites to begin growing out into the hair though.

Having a test for current impairment would make employers’ lives much easier.

It won’t be long now

Several companies have been working on creating a marijuana breathalyzer. Hound Labs, a company in northern California, partnered with the University of California in San Francisco nearly ten years ago. They determined that marijuana is, indeed, detectable on the breath. Moreover, it’s traceable for approximately the same amount of time that the user is impaired.

With that information in the bag, scientists got to work. It took a while to figure out the science of it all, however, it’s nearing the end of the clinical trials and set to hit the market within the next few months.

Finally, a test that detects current impairment!

It can be the game-changer.

The ability to detect current impairment is going to make a huge difference. Your company won’t have to wrestle with the decision of whether or not to stop testing for the drug. Moreover, it’s going to silence those who are loudly voicing the opinion that employers shouldn’t be allowed to test for it at all.

Marijuana affects thinking and motor skills—both of which need to be unencumbered in the workplace. The rule-breakers are at a higher risk of being involved in an accident. It places those around them at a higher risk as well.

Besides, everyone knows that you don’t go to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Did recreational legalization cause a murmur of discontent in your organization’s culture? Adding a marijuana test for current impairment to your drug-free policies allows for treating marijuana the same as we treat alcohol.

Will lawmakers still consider taking action to keep us from testing potential new hires for the drug due to right to privacy issues?


However, a test for current impairment certainly puts a whole new spin on things. Being able to identify current impairment rather than prior use should put the ball right back in our court.

Waiting with bated breath

The marijuana breathalyzer is going to fly off the shelves when they finally hit the market sometime this year.

In the meantime, your managers and supervisors are trained to recognize signs of drug use. If drug use is suspected and a reasonable suspicion test necessary, knowing how to approach the situation will certainly make it less stressful. Reviewing policies and procedures and reminding management to follow them to the “t” helps.

Some signs of marijuana use are:

  • Strong, telltale odors
  • Questionable movements
  • Red eyes
  • Confused or blank facial expressions
  • Trouble with comprehension
  • Sleepiness or drowsiness

If you’re planning to start a drug-free program, have all your policies documented before you begin testing. Notify your employees when the program begins, what method you will use, and the drugs that you’re going to test for.

Overall, you have drug-free programs in place to promote safety in the workplace. Statistics show that drug use also lowers productivity and increases absenteeism. As a matter of fact, when word gets out that there is a drug test, it acts as a deterrent because most who use drugs won’t even bother to apply.

Having a drug-free program shows your employees that you care about their well-being and want to provide them with the best possible work environment.

Sarah Alysse on Recalibrating Lifestyles and Finding Balance in Self-Care, Fitness, and Nutrition

Photo Credit: Erik Marthaler

Achieving an ideal balance between career and personal life is one of the greatest pursuits of this generation. Along the process of doing so, many individuals encounter a lot of stress that deters them from having a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Sarah Alysse, a recognized creative stress management and fitness coach, changes the narrative by proving that the balance is possible. 

Sarah Alysse is the founder and CEO of Live Well Enhance You, a company that focuses on helping corporate executives and entrepreneurs find balance in career and personal life. She is best known for her most popular personalized coaching program called Enhance Your Life. The coach examines the areas in her clients’ lives that need tweaking and addresses the roots of their health concerns. Her three-pillar solution to success are stress management, fitness, and nutrition; three core solutions to provide working professionals with ideal and tangible practices that will change their way of life.

“My clients and I focus on understanding their brain-gut connection, developing mindfulness around their stressors, and enhancing fitness performance with functional movements,” says Sarah Alysse. “Over a decade, I have trained a variety of clients and I have noticed that their underlying problem is stress. If we manage our stressors, behavioral changes are easier to make and then everything else falls into place,” she adds. 

Sarah Alysse implements her fun “SOULutions” to counter her clients’ stress factors. Over the years, she has reinvigorated the lives of a myriad of individuals across the country. Her success has been featured across major platforms, including Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, US Reporter, and LA Wire. Also, the coach has been featured on WGN Around Town’s segment as a “Stress Management Expert”. 

With her BFA in Musical Theater, Sarah Alysse fully understands the connection between the brain and the body. Additionally, she uses her background in dance to assist her clients maximize their bodies to tackle whatever activity that their career or personal life may demand. 

The coach has acquired various certifications throughout her career to serve her clients better. She is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, a STOTT Pilates certified Instructor, a Keiser’s Cycling Foundations, TRX Instructor, Total Barre Instructor, a NASM Certified Personal trainer, and Master Trainer for bellicon move, bellicon bounce, and bellicon circle. 

“My passion for stress management coaching developed when my father was diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer. After he passed away, my mission has been to provide corporate clientele the necessary tools to find balance. ​Stress can eventually break down your body, causing inflammation, so it’s important to develop your stress toolkit now,” shares Sarah Alysse. 

Today, Sarah Alysse is honoring her father by guiding individuals and professionals into a healthier lifestyle to spend more time with their loved ones. Even amid the pandemic, the coach remains proactive with her mission by serving clients through the digital space anywhere in the world. 

Asked what she currently is focused on, Sarah Alysse proudly said that she recently launched her podcast called Stress Free SOULutions with Sarah. She offers advice about stress reduction and converses with experts on their own wellness challenges. The coach also aims to write a book about her health and fitness journey to inspire others to overcome their challenges and live their best lives. 

Learn more about Sarah Alysse and Live Well Enhance You on their website.

Listen to Stress Free SOULutions Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.

Connect with her personal Instagram page and brand’s Instagram page.

Yung Hassi: From Fired Employee to Millionaire Influencer

Four years ago, Yung Hassi was an unpopular high schooler with no promising future. Whenever he went to school, the other kids made fun of him and called him names. Whenever he got a job, his boss would end up firing him after a short amount of time. It just didn’t seem like Hassi could do anything right.

So, like most teenagers that want to escape from their troubles, Hassi immersed himself in the world of social media. He was a big fan of the humorous internet memes as they relate to celebrities in the entertainment industry. This gave him the idea to create social media pages which revolve around different memes. He picked Twitter and Instagram as the two main social media networks to create his pages on.

In 2016, just one year after he started doing this, Hassi amassed nearly 5 million followers in total on both Twitter and Instagram. When he realized the potential that he had to make money from all these followers, he started running ads on his meme pages just to see what would happen. Sure enough, he generated more than six figures during his first year. Every year after that, his income kept growing and growing.

After accumulating more than 15 million followers, Hassi started to capture the attention of major artists like Logan Paul, Lil Yachty, Snoop Dogg, and Ray J. Hassi began working with them as a promoter of their latest songs and works. This is what earned him bigtime money that escalated him to millionaire status. It is hard to believe that only 4 years ago, Hassi was a broke teenager with no job. That is the power of social media.

Hassi no longer depends on meme pages alone to promote his clients’ advertisements. He has used his popularity to start his own personal page on Instagram too. This page already has over 100,000 followers in counting. As a result, Hassi is officially an Instagram influencer because of his large fanbase. If he recommends a product or service to his followers, they are going to listen.

Imagine the power that somebody like Hassi has now. When a client pays him to recommend their product, that recommendation could potentially be seen by 100,000 people. But even if only 20% of those people pay attention to the recommendation, that’s 20,000 people who may decide to purchase the product being suggested. It is no wonder why celebrities are paying him five figures just to make one post which recommends their songs and albums.

Hassi continues to work hard every day and push himself to the limit. He knows that’s what it takes to grow followers on social media and to keep his existing followers happy. After all, if he doesn’t keep posting relevant content that his followers want to see, then they’ll unsubscribe or unfollow his pages. So, he has a continued responsibility to produce good content that his followers want to see. Not all of his content is product recommendations because that’ll seem too spammy to them. 

Robert Marshall Launches the “Little Brown Boy” to Inspire and Touch the Hearts of Children

People who have overcome seemingly unconquerable trials have the right to wear these triumphs as badges of honor. Indeed, having conquered defeat and struggles is no easy feat. While these obstacles are difficult to get the better of, there are exceptional individuals who go over and beyond to achieve greatness, no matter how difficult it may seem. As a result, these individuals gain a deeper understanding of how grit and resilience work to propel people towards the pinnacles of victory. In the case of Robert Marshall, the hardships he encountered paved the way to a life filled with success.

Like some successful and reputable individuals across several industries, Robert Marshall possesses a disposition that allowed him to sail through stormy seas. Although he currently stands as an industry leader in the educational and wellness space, Robert owes much of his promising milestones to the misfortunes he experienced. Had it not been for the trials he faced in the past, Robert would not have reached the summits of success with a renewed sense of self. Using his awe-inspiring experiences, Robert catalyzes change by becoming a vessel of transformation for others.

Born and bred with an unparalleled zeal for life, Robert Marshall inspires others through his charming prowess and countless tales of trials and struggles. Having survived an adverse childhood that comprised a broken family, sexual abuse, and bullying, it comes as no surprise how he immediately empathizes with people and fills the room with warmth and understanding, especially with those who experienced the same. As he continued to share his stories of struggles and victories, Robert became determined to empower others. Thus, he carved a path that saved and transformed lives.

Driven to catalyze change among the lives of many, Robert Marshall is a highly influential male empowerment speaker, coach, and mentor who uses his platform as a voice of the unheard. He is a leading expert and one of the most sought-after empowerment coaches that strengthen and inspire boys and men to become the best versions of themselves. Through his transformational and relational methods of speaking and coaching, Robert has helped several individuals in breaking the shackles of their unfortunate past and embracing what life has to offer.

Needless to say, his passion and dedication have truly made significant strides across the field. Proving to be unstoppable in his noble pursuits, Robert Marshall recently wrote a children’s book entitled “Little Brown Boy.” Little Brown Boy is a vividly illustrated storybook designed to help boys transcend limits, exceed expectations, and break barriers. It teaches its readers the value of confidence, family, kindness, and courage while educating them on the importance of diversity. It simply touches the heart of children through its playful illustrations, coupled with its imaginative storytelling.

In the coming years, Robert Marshall hopes to continue his noble mission by sending a message of hope across the world. He also wishes to establish a community resource center that empowers men through mentorship, professional development programs, and parenting initiatives.

More than just a man filled with an influential talent and a grueling past, Robert Marshall exhibits a character that genuinely inspires others to thrive and survive. As he continues to stand at the helm of his pursuits, Robert can bring people a step closer to reaching fulfillment.

To know more about Robert Marshall, you may visit his website.

Inspiring My Generation Launches Clothing Line “Therapy for All” to Promote Mental Health

Despite having persisted for decades, mental health continues to lack attention in numerous institutes worldwide. However, several endeavors have been launched to remedy this and raise the conversation on mental health – among those being Inspiring My Generation’s newest venture “Therapy for All.”

As a nonprofit organization established by Francesca Reicherter, Inspiring My Generation operates on the mission to bring warmth to people dealing with mental illnesses. “I wanted to build a brand centered around giving back and encouraging activism,” the inspirational founder shares.

“I wanted to build a brand that served as a source of hope and encouragement for individuals living with mental illness to know they are not alone and there are people out there willing to lend a helping hand.”

Francesca has also designed “Inspiring My Generation” as a voice for those who lost loved ones to suicide in honor of the lives that they were not able to live.

Furthering this mission, Inspiring My Generation has been instrumental in the fight against the stigma surrounding mental health. By becoming an indispensable voice of faith and strength and normalizing the conversation on mental illnesses, the influential nonprofit organization has helped countless individuals worldwide survive and thrive.

On January 17, 2021, Francesca Reicherter’s successful venture launched its first clothing collection called “Therapy for All.” The collection’s proceeds are donated to the T3 Mental Health Grant that provides financial assistance to people living with mental illness who cannot afford the treatment they need.

To appeal to its international audience, “Therapy for All” carries merchandise with uplifting messages centered on promoting mental health. Through T-shirts, notebooks, and hoodies, the collection echoes the advocacy that inspired its launch. 

“We also have limited edition items coming out at the end of every quarter, giveaways at the start of every month on our Instagram, and a second collection launching in July 2021,” Francesca reveals.

While her dedicated team gets busy with their upcoming projects, Inspiring My Generation grows its impact in the community. Continuing to develop its legacy, the nonprofit organization provides support and encouragement to those hospitalized with suicidal ideation. Inspiring My Generation also educates its reach on mental health, illness, and wellness. It also writes imperative letters to state government leaders to increase the support and call for funding for its cause – communicating the need for supportive treatment laws for individuals dealing with mental illness. Slowly changing the world with every letter, and now, with every item sold, Francesca plans to grow Inspiring My Generation’s clothing collections.

Five years from now, she hopes to see people worldwide wear the organization’s clothes daily and casually converse about mental health. “I want Inspiring My Generation to be a recognizable brand that encourages positive and impactful conversations on mental health and serves as a safe place.”

While her nonprofit venture will transition into a household name, Francesca sees her organization as generating enough profit to broaden her mission. Through her efforts and countless others’, mental health will, one day, no longer be a taboo or shameful topic in all parts of the globe.

Save lives through shopping. Browse through Francesca Reicherter’s “Therapy for All” collection online. Learn more about the awe-inspiring mental health advocate and how she furthers her cause on Inspiring My Generation’s official website

Zeynab Koroma’s ShaZyy Collections Marries Style With Class

Clothes are avenues of self-expression that can drastically alter someone’s look and presence. Depending on the material and the cut of the fabric, an individual can look intimidating, bubbly, morose, professional, or ethereal. Determined to bring all those styles and more in a classic cut, powerhouse entrepreneur and humanitarian Zeynab Koroma has launched “ShaZyy Collections.”

The best-known place where style and class warmly welcome shoppers, ShaZyy Collections is on the rise. Zeynab’s venture is rapidly climbing the ladder to the top featuring favorite luxury collections in one convenient space – making all her hard work and long journey to the United States worth it.

Brilliant innovator Zeynab Koroma has traveled far and wide in search of greener pastures for her passion and family. “I am originally from West Africa, Senegal,” she shares. “I came to the United States in search of a better life.”

An inspiring character, Zeynab juggles countless hats as the mother of an adorable three-year-old, a wife, and a healthcare manager. Another position lining her extensive portfolio is her work as a pageant owner of the Miss Africa Washington State and Mister Africa North America. 

Zeynab Koroma is also the fashion owner and director of Africa Fashion Week Seattle, a humanitarian ensuring funding for schools in Nigeria and Senegal, and the ingenious mind behind “ShaZyy Collections.”

Launching the ShaZyy Collections was a dream that Zeynab has always had. Her love for fashion and her innate desire to see other women dress up well drove her to design a comfortable online space perfect for a stress-free shopping spree and retail therapy.

At ShaZyy Collections, the talented entrepreneur brings style and color to each individual’s life. Its wide range of affordable products is perfect for alluring women, elegant and classy women, business women, and everyone in between.

Promising convenience and quality in these troubling times, the online shop brings the world’s best apparel and accessories right to the shopper’s doorstep. As their platform caters to an international audience, ShaZyy Collections also ships anywhere in the world.

Shipping worldwide, in the shopper’s currency, ShaZyy Collections makes good on its promise – easing shopping anywhere, anytime. Under Zeynab Koroma’s lead, shopping does not get any better than at ShaZyy Collections.

The best part about ShaZyy Collections, however, is the advocacy behind it. While clothing girls in the finest fabrics and cuts, Zeynab Koroma has married her entrepreneurial venture with her mission as a humanitarian. “Besides the fact that we have the best quality dresses at low prices, 20% of all sales will go towards funding a school in Senegal, in Nigeria, and an orphanage in Tanzania,” Zeynab reveals.

Five years from now, Zeynab Koroma plans on expanding her dream. Devoting her time and sought-after efforts to grow ShaZyy Collections, Zeynab sees her venture as the leading online shop for elegant and luxurious items. In half a decade, she will be the owner of the biggest and most prestigious pageant and fashion house in the Northwest, catering to countless influential and high-profile customers.

Explore the power of clothes in favorite luxury collections. Follow the powerhouse entrepreneur Zeynab Koroma as she leads ShaZyy Collections to the top. Visit the rising online shop on its official website

Geoff Cash Explains How Failure Became His Motivation for Success

Coming from a very small town where the odds are against him were the humble beginnings that drove and propelled Geoff Cash to pursue his dreams. And unlike several kids in his neighborhood, he was lucky to grow up with a loving and supportive family that, even though they didn’t have much, the support was always there. However, as a child, Geoff admitted he had the tenacity to always want to do more and be more to help his family.

However, like many young men, success led him down some wrong paths and saw him get hooked and associated with some very wrong people, which has caused him to pay the costs and consequences. According to him, “after building a very successful business, in the blink of an eye, I lost everything and had to restart. Like many others, I was quick to blame everyone. Still, through having that same tenacity and working on myself daily, I fought back and built another very successful company helping others. Now have trained thousands, done over 65 million in revenue for companies, and have helped many people live a lifestyle they only dreamed of. I’m not done yet because, as I always say, I want to do more so that I can become more and be able to help more.”

Geoff Cash describes himself as the go-to coach for anyone looking for sales training and coaching. And as someone who has worked side by side with some of the best professionals across numerous industries, his regular engagements and clientele are proof of his track record. He targets anyone who is tired of mediocre results and is ready to win big.

On what separates him from his competition, he said, “I was in top 1% in multiple different industries, so I teach from experience, not just trying to sound good.”Geoff admits that though most of his business rivals are not experts in the field, he is not complacent. Instead, he uses it as a motivation always to deliver the best and help him stand out among the rest in the industry.

Geoff explains that his motivation to start his company came after seeing so many ‘gurus’ who have never worked in the field teach in the field. He is driven by the desire to prove the old saying “those who can’t do, teach” wrong by simply showing that he can do and he will teach. So far, he has done exactly that by catering to several hundreds of students who have passed through his training. Also, he has made several millions of dollars for startups, SMEs, and big companies. In anticipation of the next five years, Geoff hopes to attract thousands more successful students and stories.

Geoff would want readers to know more about him, his company, and the services they provide while also showing them that “there are folks out there who know what they are talking about.” He concluded.

To learn more about Geoff Cash, his course, and his teachings, visit his website.

Dr. Charles Goldberg Dominating the Medical and Legal Niche in New Jersey

Over the years, Charles Goldberg is a physician and entrepreneur who has distinguished himself from others in the same field via first-class professional service. He has taught at some of the most prestigious schools globally, including those affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. Now, based in New Jersey, he runs a business with a medical law division, a healthcare facilitation division, and a wellness coaching division where he helps people live healthy lives via proper diet and nutrition.

Charles’ first division is a medical-legal assistance firm where he takes scientific approaches toward lawsuits and potential legal cases. In this case, Charles works with the attorneys and defendants to analyze the cases from a medical perspective to gather the evidence to support the claim. Being an experienced medical practitioner himself, he understands all the workings of medical practice, which is considered a plus in his legal strategy.

On the other hand, his healthcare facilitation division is committed to navigating the healthcare system’s complexities. Knowing how busy doctors on duty can be and how prone they are to misdiagnosis and misprescription of drugs to their patients, Charles Goldberg and his team come in to fill that void. He talks with the patients, records their symptoms, takes a look at their prescription, and thanks to his experience and expertise in medical practice, he sometimes recommends alternative treatment plans that best suit each patient. He sometimes requests a meeting with the patient’s doctors, thanks to his extensive network of doctors.

Charles understands the importance of healthy feeding and the psychological significance of a good diet and workout routine. Another service he renders is helping people become healthier and happier by building balanced nutritional and workout routines based on a genuine scientific concept. According to him, “The mind is a key element to living a healthy and happy life.” And this is why he tries to help people understand from a psychological and physiological standpoint why their body acts and performs a certain way when it gets this amount of sleep, or eats this, or works out this much, etc.

Charles describes his services as unique because all his services come from his experience as a physician and stem from his extensive pedigree of studying and teaching at prestigious schools globally. On his motivation, Charles said, “I saw the need for help in the complex healthcare industry and understood there is so much noise out there.” As his five-year goal, he hopes to see his company growing to the point of helping more people in every capacity.

Charles’s services are attractive to people interested in the medical, legal, fitness space, and who are willing to learn more. Charles considers his firm different from other firms because he believes his firm is the only firm that analyzes cases from an actual physician’s standpoint and uses his experience as a physician to formulate a hypothesis, ideas, and evidence used in the courtroom.

Charles would want readers to understand that professionals out there who are willing to help out with legal and medical; these set of people possess the required experience and are willing to help find solutions to legal face-offs of any kind.

Dr. Trenese L. McNealy Ceaselessly Empowers Mothers Through Her Inspiring Platforms

A mother’s undying love has always been a force that motivates people to thrive. Although not many people can fully grasp the unrelenting power of motherhood, it cannot be denied how this love has ultimately emboldened some individuals towards chasing their dreams. But for mothers to catapult their offspring towards the summits of success, they have made too many sacrifices in order to see their children grow and become the persons they want to be. Some mothers often lose their jobs, while others delay their dreams to give priority to their young ones. While it is truly a noble endeavor, mothers also deserve to dream and achieve success. For this reason, Dr. Trenese L. McNealy decided to create a company rooted in a mission to help moms attain greatness.

Determined to empower moms around the world, Dr. Trenese L. McNealy is widely recognized for her initiatives that truly inspire and propel mothers towards reaching the summits of success. As a mother of three wonderful children, Dr. McNealy knew how motherhood greatly affects a woman’s path towards achieving her goals. But instead of allowing herself to sit idly as the world continues to progress, Dr. McNealy took it upon herself to create avenues that encourage mothers to chase their dreams while allowing their children to flourish in such a competitive world. Thus, Dr. Trenese L. McNealy, LLC came into existence.

Zealously established by Dr. McNealy in 2020, Dr. Trenese L. McNealy, LLC is a professional service and management consulting company designed to pave the way for mothers around the world. It serves as a tool that equips them to maintain a healthy work-life balance through state-of-the-art programs and project management strategies. In other words, this promising company serves as a platform where mothers can engage and learn different groundbreaking methods dedicated to maintaining a sustainable future for themselves, their family, and their other endeavors.

Aside from her mission of helping mothers achieve greatness, Dr. Trenese L. McNealy also focuses on making significant strides for women around the world. Having earned a bachelor of science degree in Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design with a minor in Management from Georgia Southern University, it comes as no surprise how this changemaker has left an exceptional mark in the Fashion Industry. With a master’s and doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and Walden University, Dr. McNealy decided to empower women through fashionable clothes. Thus, LaShay’s DESIGNS came into existence in 2009.

Proving to be a figure of grace and finesse, Dr. Trenese McNealy shows how she is dedicated to helping women move forward through literature. As a matter of fact, Dr. McNealy is the author of many inspirational books, such as Mommy’s Goals vs. Reality: Managing School, Work, and Family, and the co-author of The Glambitious Guide to Being a Momrepreneur in 2020. She is currently working on her upcoming book entitled, A Mother’s Struggle to Success.

Being an exceptional individual who is highly known for her noble pursuits, Dr. McNealy stretches her horizons and uses the magic of technology to continue igniting the passion hidden underneath mothers. Thus, Dr. McNealy creates digital content, courses, and materials for mompreneurs, and runs different online events. Currently, Dr. McNealy is hosting a free Virtual Lunch and Learn Series and Virtual One-Day Summits, which shed light on strategies that mothers should use in order to maintain a healthy and successful work-life balance.

Dr. McNealy also holds an Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon, where moms can sit back, relax, and engage with other similarly-situated individuals across the area.

At the core of Dr. Trenese McNealy’s mission is the lifelong purpose of empowering women and mothers across the globe. For this reason, she continues to inspire others and equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to turn their dreams into a reality.

To learn more about Dr. Trenese McNealy and her platforms, you may visit her website.

Gloria Kloter on Carving a Path Toward Success as a Purpose-Driven Architect and Interior Designer

The professional endeavors that people embark on do not only serve as a means for building a financially secure future. For countless go-getters, one’s career also stands as an avenue for inspiring others and giving back to their communities. In the case of Gloria Kloter, the award-winning architect behind the powerhouse Glow Architects, her efforts are both geared toward cementing her position within the industry and impacting lives and communities for the better. 

Throughout her career, Gloria Kloter has acted as a beacon of hope for other numerous aspirants wishing to make a name for themselves on foreign soil. This Architecture Design graduate, who also holds a Master’s in Architecture of Interiors, has over sixteen years of combined national and international experience. She operated her first company in the Dominican Republic, receiving credit for the development of various types of commercial and residential projects.

With the long list of achievements under her belt, it could be easy to assume that Gloria Kloter had it easy. But, moving to America under the assumption that she could continue as an architect proved to be a challenging feat since her license — as well as most of the foreign architect licenses — was not valid in the USA. This experience would come to fuel her drive to mentor immigrant architects.

Today, Gloria Kloter stands at the helm of Glow Architects, spearheading its rise through the ranks as an international architecture and interior design studio. Based in Tampa, Florida, this purpose-driven venture is on a mission to create meaningful spaces that creatively and aesthetically express its clients’ true selves.

Since its establishment, Glow Architects has managed to impress clients and industry peers alike for its consistency in translating the architectural vision of every client into reality. On top of empowering clients by making them part of the design process, the highly capable team running this esteemed institution also makes sure to shed light on the design process through 3D rendering and other forms of realistic visualization, effective communication, and transparency. “We deliver spaces that give people a sense of ownership and pride, look the way they envisioned it, function the way they need it, and are built within their budget,” shares this widely-acknowledged company. 

The women-owned venture belongs to the AIA (American Institute of Architects), NCARB (National Council of Architectural Registration Boards), ASID (American Society of Interior Designers), and NKBA (National Kitchen and Bath Association). As an extension of its founder, Glow Architects is immensely dedicated to providing excellent service and will continue to carve a path toward the summit of the industry.

In the coming years, Gloria Kloter plans to propel Glow Architects to greater heights. She also aims to remain a guiding hand for fellow foreign architects pursuing their licenses in the USA, providing them with a supportive community through her private group on Facebook called Foreign Architects.

Apart from setting her sights on becoming a household name in the architectural field, Gloria Kloter looks forward, as well, to sharing her story to budding professionals and inspiring them with how she succeeded despite growing up amidst difficult odds, adapting to a different country with a different language, and making her dreams come true in a cutthroat industry.

Learn more about Gloria Kloter and Glow Architects by visiting her website.