Four years ago, Yung Hassi was an unpopular high schooler with no promising future. Whenever he went to school, the other kids made fun of him and called him names. Whenever he got a job, his boss would end up firing him after a short amount of time. It just didn’t seem like Hassi could do anything right.
So, like most teenagers that want to escape from their troubles, Hassi immersed himself in the world of social media. He was a big fan of the humorous internet memes as they relate to celebrities in the entertainment industry. This gave him the idea to create social media pages which revolve around different memes. He picked Twitter and Instagram as the two main social media networks to create his pages on.
In 2016, just one year after he started doing this, Hassi amassed nearly 5 million followers in total on both Twitter and Instagram. When he realized the potential that he had to make money from all these followers, he started running ads on his meme pages just to see what would happen. Sure enough, he generated more than six figures during his first year. Every year after that, his income kept growing and growing.
After accumulating more than 15 million followers, Hassi started to capture the attention of major artists like Logan Paul, Lil Yachty, Snoop Dogg, and Ray J. Hassi began working with them as a promoter of their latest songs and works. This is what earned him bigtime money that escalated him to millionaire status. It is hard to believe that only 4 years ago, Hassi was a broke teenager with no job. That is the power of social media.
Hassi no longer depends on meme pages alone to promote his clients’ advertisements. He has used his popularity to start his own personal page on Instagram too. This page already has over 100,000 followers in counting. As a result, Hassi is officially an Instagram influencer because of his large fanbase. If he recommends a product or service to his followers, they are going to listen.
Imagine the power that somebody like Hassi has now. When a client pays him to recommend their product, that recommendation could potentially be seen by 100,000 people. But even if only 20% of those people pay attention to the recommendation, that’s 20,000 people who may decide to purchase the product being suggested. It is no wonder why celebrities are paying him five figures just to make one post which recommends their songs and albums.
Hassi continues to work hard every day and push himself to the limit. He knows that’s what it takes to grow followers on social media and to keep his existing followers happy. After all, if he doesn’t keep posting relevant content that his followers want to see, then they’ll unsubscribe or unfollow his pages. So, he has a continued responsibility to produce good content that his followers want to see. Not all of his content is product recommendations because that’ll seem too spammy to them.