The world we once knew changed entirely with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Lockdowns were imposed, social distancing was needed, and people feared going out of their houses. But even with the scare of the virus looming on everyone’s heads, the business world decided that the show must go on! This was the need of the hour since every collapsing business led to the unemployment of hundreds. So before anyone could truly understand the situation, the world moved online.
People started working from home and communicated via online meetings, business applications, chats, etc. Business models across the globe were revamped to fit the situation, and though the ‘online solution’ was the best option, it started to take a toll on people. Many people began experiencing what we now know as ‘online fatigue’. For digital entrepreneurs, hosting an online meeting becomes taxing due to heavy screen time exposure. This causes online fatigue, and people begin to feel worn out by the constant need to remain online. In the long run, this impacts their motivation level, productivity, and business success.
If you are among those facing online fatigue, look no further, as Kendrick Shope is here to save the day! Here’s a bit about her to help you understand why the sales expert is such an inspiration.
Kendrick Shope is a recognized name in the world of sales today. She is also the brains behind the platform Authentic Selling®️ and the founder of Authentic Selling®️ University, the leading online sales training for modern businesses. Kendrick also hosts Authentic Selling® TV reaching 186 countries and six continents. She has been creating magic in the lives of business owners and salespeople for over a decade, creating opportunities worth millions of dollars.
However, things were very different for Kendrick Shope a few years ago. Always brilliant and talented, she was a top-performing pharmaceutical sales representative. She even graduated top of her class in two corporate sales schools. Knowing she could give the world a lot more than just being a star employee, Kendrick risked it all and created Authentic Selling®. Since then, she has taught thousands of new business owners and seasoned salespeople how to make more money with integrity, how to close sales without being pushy and create freedom in life and business.
The aim behind launching the platform, according to Kendrick, was to introduce the world to new sales strategies in an exciting way. Most importantly, she wanted to instill the empathy factor in all upcoming businesses.
“We teach a process that allows you to meet, engage and close customers that will continue to want to do business with you,” shares Kendrick. “We teach strategies that are “authentic” rather than outdated tactics that consumers loath.”
When the pandemic hit, Kendrick improvised and created entertaining ways to teach her students. It bothered her that everyone was teaching the same way and lacked emotion.
“During the pandemic, we hosted the only virtual broadway show for our community and raised 100k for charity. We had Tony award winners and some of the world’s top talent perform for the Authentic Selling® Community. I also taught a sales lesson in the middle, so our people were entertained and also learned valuable sales lessons in one night,” she explains.
It’s due to such innovative education methods that Kendrick’s students have produced millions of dollars in additional revenue and built profitable businesses. In fact, Kendrick has posted videos and tips regarding any problem an entrepreneur may face, including working from home, surviving a sales slump, and staying motivated.
As far as online fatigue is concerned, Kendrick believes one of the most important ways in which you can help yourself is by creating specific working hours. This is crucial to maintain a schedule that does not seep into your personal life.
“Create boundaries and be rigid about them,” advises Kendrick.
The sales expert also has a large following because of her ability to connect with the audience. With every video you watch, you begin to think Kendrick understands the issues you are facing. It is this relatability that makes her one of the best in the sales business.
Need more tips to overcome online fatigue? Reach out to Kendrick Shope and let her transform your life!