The Chicago Journal

How Real Estate Investing Queen Sofia Estrada Castro Hopes to Empower Women in the Industry

Sofia Estrada Castro is a name that rings bells amongst the entrepreneurial community, with thousands of women looking up to her because of her resilience, success, and confidence to lead in a male-dominated industry. As a successful real estate entrepreneur and philanthropist, Sofia’s inspirational story can easily capture the attention of any audience.

Long before her well-earned success, Sofia was a determined and hardworking woman trying to find her place in life. Despite dropping out of school in the 10th grade, she pursued different jobs and careers while trying to find her passion. Sofia met her now-husband, Bobby, who always had the dream of becoming an entrepreneur. He asked her if she wanted to work for him on his business venture, so she decided to go for it. And, although the business didn’t work out, she never let that stop her from pursuing her dreams.

“The initial business didn’t work out. Bobby and I both ended up getting jobs elsewhere, but we didn’t lose hope of success. We found a how-to program on building a leasing brokerage that we had to invest in to learn the ropes, and that meant asking my mom to borrow $1800, which was a big deal. We didn’t want to disappoint, so we made sure to use the new information to build something incredible,” shared Sofia Estrada Castro. “I continued working for a cardiologist’s office by day and would work the business at night for a year. Once that first year passed, and we noticed the business was growing in full force, I knew it was time to quit and put my everything into it.”

Putting her all into the work was what Sofia went on to do, ultimately building strong working relationships and learning the ins and outs of the business along the way. While things happened slow yet steady, Sofia and Bobby turned their initial $1800 investment into a company valued at one billion dollars. During this time, her interest in real estate grew, which led to experiences in buying condo conversions and more. While there were ups and downs with plenty of obstacles to overcome while fixing, flipping, buying, and renting, Sofia’s genuine love for real estate kept her motivated to keep moving forward, leading to even more success in real estate investing.

“It’s because of my success in real estate investing that I’ve created Queen Ventures, a business all about helping women who want to get involved in the real estate industry. Getting into this industry is an excellent way to build generational wealth and live comfortably, and I want to help women get in on this opportunity,” said Sofia Estrada Castro. “I provide valuable information based on everything I’ve learned during my time in the industry to help women get started. My goal is to help women become independent and wealthy entrepreneurs who succeed in life.”

While hoping to empower women from all walks of life to learn more about real estate investing, Sofia Estrada Castro is ready to share her knowledge, tips, and tricks with those who can benefit most from it.


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