The Chicago Journal

Your Gateway to the Heartbeat of Chicago

Ready to Get Healthy, Chicago? Use This Guide to Thriving in the Windy City

In a city as vibrant and bustling as Chicago, where the skyline meets the shores of Lake Michigan and the streets are alive with the hum of diversity and culture, it’s easy to overlook the essentials that keep us at our best. Yet, amidst the deep-dish pizzas, iconic sports teams, and towering skyscrapers lies a hidden pathway to wellness that beckons each of us to explore. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill health guide; it’s a journey through the heart of Chicago, discovering gems of wisdom that enhance our mental and physical well-being. So, lace up your sneakers, grab a bottle of water, and dive into the secrets of thriving in the Windy City.

Embracing the Great Outdoors

Chicago may be known for its urban sprawl, but nestled within this concrete jungle are lush green spaces and trails that offer a respite for the soul and a workout for the body. From the expansive Lincoln Park to the serene waterfronts of the Chicago Riverwalk, these natural havens are more than just pretty sights; they are the city’s lungs, providing fresh air and a much-needed connection to nature. Engaging in outdoor activities, whether a leisurely walk, a brisk jog, or a cycling adventure along the Lakefront Trail, not only boosts our physical health but also elevates our mood and reduces stress. As we soak in the vitamin D from the sunshine and breathe in the fresh air, it’s crucial to remember the importance of getting enough Vitamin C. This essential nutrient strengthens our immune system and protects our bodies against pollutants and toxins we might encounter in the urban environment.

The Power of Community

One of the most underappreciated aspects of maintaining health in a city as big as Chicago is the power of community. The city is teeming with fitness and wellness groups that cater to all interests and levels of experience, from sunrise yoga classes by the lake to high-energy group cycling sessions in the heart of downtown. Joining these groups doesn’t just mean getting a good workout; it’s about connecting with others who share your goals and aspirations for a healthier lifestyle. This sense of belonging can significantly boost your mental health, providing support and motivation on days when you might otherwise skip your workout. Moreover, these groups often explore different parts of the city, giving you a fresh perspective on Chicago and a deeper appreciation for its diversity and beauty. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, you have a place in Chicago’s vibrant wellness community.

Savoring Chicago’s Diverse Culinary Scene

Chicago’s culinary scene is as diverse as its population, offering a variety of foods worldwide. While indulging in the city’s famous deep-dish pizzas and hot dogs is easy, there’s also a growing trend towards healthier, more mindful eating. Farmers’ markets, such as the Green City Market, provide access to fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables, while an increasing number of restaurants focus on farm-to-table menus and plant-based options. Embracing mindful eating in Chicago means savoring each bite, appreciating the flavors and textures, and being conscious of how food fuels your body. It’s about making good choices for you and the planet, exploring new ingredients, and finding joy in cooking and eating. This approach nourishes your body and enriches your cultural experience, allowing you to connect with the city’s rich tapestry of communities through the universal language of food.

Navigating Life’s Ups and Downs

With its vast array of resources, Chicago offers many avenues for mental health support, from therapy and counseling services to mindfulness and meditation classes. Engaging in regular mental health practices can significantly improve one’s quality of life, helping to manage stress, anxiety, and the myriad challenges that come with urban living. Furthermore, exploring the mental health landscape in Chicago opens up opportunities to connect with professionals and peers who understand the unique pressures of city life. This support network can be a lifeline during difficult times, offering guidance, empathy, and coping strategies. As we delve into mental health’s intricacies, we might wonder, “What is a sober companion?” This question leads us to discover yet another layer of support available in the community, especially for those navigating the recovery journey. Sober companions provide one-on-one support to help individuals maintain sobriety, offering a powerful example of personalized care in Chicago’s health and wellness ecosystem.

Educational Workshops and Seminars

Across the city, numerous organizations and institutions offer workshops, seminars, and classes covering various health-related topics. From nutrition and cooking classes that demystify healthy eating to fitness workshops that teach new exercise techniques, these educational opportunities empower residents to take charge of their health. Additionally, seminars on mental health, stress reduction, and wellness practices provide valuable tools for navigating the complexities of modern life. By participating in these learning experiences, Chicagoans can stay informed about the latest health trends, research, and strategies for maintaining wellness in an urban environment. Lifelong learning in health and wellness enriches our lives and fosters a sense of community as we share these experiences and grow together.

Giving Back for Health and Happiness

Giving back to the community has improved mental health, boosted self-esteem, and provided a sense of purpose. Chicago offers endless volunteer opportunities, from community gardens and food banks to mentoring programs and environmental cleanups. Volunteering allows individuals to connect with their community, make a tangible difference, and experience the joy of helping others. Additionally, volunteering provides a unique way to stay active, meet new people, and learn new skills, all contributing to a healthier, happier life. Whether it’s by supporting local health initiatives, participating in community wellness events, or simply lending a hand where it’s needed, volunteerism embodies the spirit of Chicago – a city that thrives on the strength and resilience of its residents.

With its towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, Chicago may seem an unlikely setting for a wellness revolution, but beneath its urban exterior, it beats the heart of a community deeply committed to health and happiness. So, let’s take this journey together, exploring the secrets to thriving in Chicago and discovering how we can all contribute to a vibrant, wellness-focused community.

Published by: Martin De Juan

Are Your Teens Ready for the Real World? How to Prepare Them for Life’s Trickiest Situations

Though every stage of parenthood comes with its unique challenges, many parents would agree that the adolescent years are often complicated. This transformative period is filled with challenges that can perplex even experienced parents. Understanding and preparing teens to navigate these difficulties is crucial for their development and well-being. There are six pivotal areas where teenagers often find themselves at a crossroads. Let’s take a look at these and how we can help our young people navigate them. 

Social Media and Cyberbullying

Teenagers are often ensnared in the web of social media and cyberbullying. This virtual landscape, while offering a platform for expression and connection, can also be a source of distress, exposing teens to peer pressure, unrealistic body images, and cyberbullying. The anonymity and reach of online interactions magnify their impact, making it imperative for guardians to foster open dialogues about digital etiquette and empathy. Encouraging critical thinking and responsible online behavior can empower teens to navigate the digital world with discernment and respect for themselves and others.

Substance Use and Peer Pressure

As adolescents seek independence and identity, they might encounter opportunities to experiment with substances, ranging from alcohol to illicit drugs. This exploration, often influenced by peer pressure, poses a significant risk to their health and future. It’s essential to address the root causes that may lead to substance use, such as stress, anxiety, or the desire to fit in. Engaging in honest conversations, setting clear expectations, and providing unconditional support can create a safety net for teens. However, when these challenges escalate to violent teen outbursts, it becomes crucial to seek professional help, reinforcing the importance of vigilance and early intervention.

Recognizing and Addressing Psychological Distress

Mental health is a pivotal aspect of adolescent development that can often be overshadowed by physical growth and academic achievements. The pressures of school, social dynamics, and even mental health disorders can weigh heavily on teens. Create an environment where mental health and wellbeing is openly discussed. Encouraging teens to express their feelings, seek help when needed, and understand that mental health is just as important as physical health fosters a supportive atmosphere. Professional guidance, whether through therapy or mentoring, can be invaluable in navigating these tumultuous waters, ensuring that teens do not feel isolated in their struggles.

Navigating Interpersonal Relationships With Communication and Boundaries

As teenagers form deeper relationships outside their family unit, they encounter the complexities of friendship, love, and social dynamics. These experiences, while essential for personal growth, can also lead to confusion, heartbreak, and conflict. It’s crucial for adults to guide teens in understanding the importance of healthy relationships, characterized by mutual respect, trust, and communication. Discussing the aspects of consent, the impact of peer pressure, and the significance of setting personal boundaries can empower teens to make informed choices. Encouraging open communication about these topics can demystify misunderstandings and provide teens with the confidence to express their needs and concerns. As they navigate these interpersonal waters, teens will inevitably encounter teen slang and code words, a language that evolves with the generations. While it’s essential to respect their space and means of expression, staying informed about the nuances of this language can provide insights into their world, offering opportunities for connection and understanding.

Academic and Career Planning

Teens often feel pressure to excel academically and make definitive career choices. This stage of life is crucial for exploring interests, developing skills, and contemplating future aspirations. Parents and school educators play a significant role in guiding teens through this exploratory phase, encouraging them to set realistic goals while also embracing the learning opportunities that come from failure. Fostering a growth mindset, where effort and persistence are valued over innate talent, can motivate teens to persevere in the face of challenges. Providing resources, mentorship, and exposure to various career paths can help teens make informed decisions that align with their passions and strengths.

Personal Responsibility and Independence

As teens approach adulthood, the transition to independence becomes a focal point of their development. This journey involves more than just academic success or career planning; it encompasses learning essential life skills such as financial literacy, time management, self-care, and decision-making. Encouraging teens to take on responsibilities at home, manage their finances, or partake in decision-making processes can cultivate a sense of autonomy and preparedness for the real world. Equipping your teens with the tools to navigate life’s practicalities ensures they are academically prepared and capable of facing day-to-day challenges with confidence.

Published by: Martin De Juan

Robert L. DeMayo’s Exclusive Interview: Exploring the Maze of Imagination

By: Michael Beas – Atlas Elite Publishers

Setting off on a literary journey that surpasses the limits of the imagination, Robert L. DeMayo is a legend in the storytelling community. His writing is a powerful potion that animates characters and envelops readers in stories that don’t go away even after the last page is turned. We dive into this literary virtuoso’s creative sanctuary in this exclusive interview, revealing the inspirations, struggles, and victories that mold his enthralling novels. Take a journey inside Robert L. DeMayo’s head, where words become a brushstroke on a canvas representing the human experience, and the narrative takes on the status of an art form.

Can you share some highlights from your extensive travels to nearly a hundred countries before the age of thirty?

During my twenties, I embarked on ten six-month journeys to foreign countries, each encompassing an overland expedition. Little did I know that it would be the last decade before the internet shrunk the world. At that time, the idea of countries like India modernizing seemed unfathomable. Pre-internet travel presented unique challenges; most of the places I visited lacked guidebooks, and resources like Tripadvisor and MapQuest were non-existent. Communication with home was limited to brief, infrequent calls, often marred by static and an echo, leaving me with a sense of isolation and a lack of a readily available safety net. Nevertheless, the world felt vast and full of mystery, fueling my insatiable appetite to see as much of it as I could.

What motivated you to transition from a career in biomedical engineering to become a writer and explorer?

My mom raised me on captivating tales of Africa and Alaska—so I attribute my thirst for adventure to her. Our family-owned some land in northern Maine, where, during summer camping trips, my mother would enthrall my brother and me with her imaginative stories. Her gift for storytelling planted a seed of wanderlust within me, a seed that refused to be ignored as I transitioned into adult life. I was certain that countless adventures awaited me, thanks to these vivid narratives that had ignited my imagination. My mom, Pat, always said, “Never underestimate the value of a dream.”

How did your experiences journaling during your travels inspire your novels?

From a young age, I found solace in journaling. I also collected quotes, a secret passion my father’s disapproval of travel compelled me to keep. Hidden behind a mirror in my bedroom, I scribbled down inspiring passages about travel, retreating to these words late at night, drawn by the siren call of distant lands. Journaling honed my writing skills, complemented by a voracious reading habit that always accompanied my travels. These journals, thirty in total over a decade, became an invaluable treasure trove, ultimately forming the foundation of my major work, The Wayward Traveler.

Could you discuss your role at The Telegraph and the Hollis Times and how it contributed to your writing career?

My career as a foreign correspondent not only provided me with an income, albeit insufficient to cover all expenses but also opened doors to exciting opportunities. I was fortunate to secure sponsorships for gear from Eastern Mountain Sports and cameras from Olympus, which significantly enhanced my ability to capture and share my experiences. More importantly, it granted me an audience comprised of people I knew and cared for. This newfound platform encouraged me to constantly observe and document my travels, taking notes for future writing and capturing images to complement my stories.

What drove your involvement with The Explorers Club, and what responsibilities do you hold as chair of its Southwest Chapter?

When I first started at Eos Study Tours, I considered myself quite experienced—I had traveled extensively and seen much of the world. I thought I was a big fish, ha! My perspective shifted dramatically when I encountered some of the distinguished lecturers we engaged, such as Don Walsh and Alfred McLaren, both former presidents of The Explorers Club. Walsh is renowned for being the first person to descend to the Mariana Trench’s deepest point, while McLaren charted the ocean beneath the Arctic ice cap in a nuclear submarine during the Cold War. These individuals were authentic explorers, possessing extraordinary courage and a willingness to risk everything in pursuit of discovery. It wasn’t long before I realized that The Explorers Club of today is a collective of such intrepid men and women.

I have been a member of The Explorers Club for over two decades and have served as the Chair of the Southwest Chapter for the past five years. Our chapter boasts 88 diverse members spread across four states, each with unique expertise and passion. Our ranks include speleologists, conservationists, naturalists, astronomers, historians, overland explorers, underwater photographers, artists, and many others. Among us is a member distinguished by the world record for witnessing the most solar eclipses. At the close of each quarter, I collect 100-word summaries from members who have embarked on expeditions or published new research. These concise reports are then compiled and submitted as an update for The Explorers Club’s quarterly newsletter. Following their expeditions has given me hope for the future. In an era where modern exploration increasingly emphasizes conservation, I am honored to contribute to this vital movement.

Check out Robert Louis DeMayo’s work today!


Published By: Aize Perez

The Monastic Academy’s Role in Bridging the Gap between Mindfulness and Global Harmony

Mindfulness, a practice rooted in ancient traditions, has gained prominence in contemporary society for its profound impact on personal and societal well-being. At its core, mindfulness involves a focused, non-resisting awareness of the present moment, encouraging practitioners to observe their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings with openness and curiosity. This mental discipline enhances emotional regulation, reduces stress, and promotes empathy, laying the groundwork for more compassionate interactions and a heightened sense of connection with others. Parallel to this concept is global harmony, which envisions a world where nations and individuals coexist peacefully, showing mutual respect and understanding despite diverse backgrounds and beliefs. 

Leaders at The Monastic Academy, a community of monastics and lay people teaching Buddhist principles focused on charity and societal change, understand that the nexus between individual mindfulness and global harmony is compelling and vital. As more individuals cultivate mindfulness, the ripple effects on societal attitudes and behaviors can foster a more inclusive, peaceful global community. The Monastic Academy teachers posit that the deliberate practice of mindfulness by individuals can be a catalyst for achieving global harmony, suggesting a profound interconnection between personal well-being and the collective peace of our world.

The Role of Mindfulness in Personal Transformation

Mindfulness, an ancient practice with modern applications, plays a crucial role in personal transformation by fostering self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience. 

“Central to mindfulness are techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindful walking, each designed to anchor the individual in the present moment, transcending the noise of daily life,” says a key leader at The Monastic Academy. “Meditation, for instance, involves sitting quietly, focusing on the breath or a mantra, and gently acknowledging and releasing thoughts as they arise.” 

Deep breathing exercises, on the other hand, encourage slow, deliberate breaths, directly counteracting the body’s stress response and promoting a state of calm. These practices, by training the mind to observe thoughts without judgment, significantly improve mental health, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression while enhancing overall well-being and resilience. As individuals become more adept at managing their inner experiences, they develop a deeper, more compassionate understanding of themselves, laying the foundation for empathy towards others.

The cultivation of empathy through mindfulness is a transformative process. By enhancing emotional intelligence, mindfulness enables individuals to recognize and understand their emotions and those of others, fostering a sense of connectedness. This emotional attunement encourages a compassionate response to the suffering of others, bridging divides and nurturing global understanding. Empathy, strengthened by mindfulness, extends beyond personal relationships to influence broader societal interactions. It prompts a more inclusive perspective, encouraging individuals to consider the welfare of others and the planet. Thus, the practice of mindfulness not only contributes to personal growth and resilience but also acts as a conduit for empathy, which is essential for fostering global understanding and harmony.

Mindfulness as a Catalyst for Social Change

Mindfulness extends beyond personal transformation, serving as a powerful catalyst for social change. Its implementation in community settings, through initiatives like school-based mindfulness programs, corporate wellness practices, and community meditation groups, showcases its potential to foster a collective sense of well-being and interconnectedness. 

“Mindfulness programs in schools have been linked to reduced aggression and bullying among students, promoting a more inclusive and supportive environment,” notes a key teacher from The Monastic Academy.  

In the workplace, mindfulness practices have been associated with improved team dynamics and reduced stress levels, enhancing overall productivity and job satisfaction. The role of mindfulness in building compassionate societies is pivotal. Compassionate societies, characterized by policies and practices that reflect these values, contribute significantly to global harmony. 

Cities and communities around the world are integrating mindfulness into public health initiatives, recognizing its benefits for mental health and social harmony. These efforts demonstrate a growing recognition of the interconnectedness of personal well-being, societal health, and global harmony. By fostering a culture of mindfulness, societies can cultivate the empathy and compassion necessary to address global challenges, from social inequality to environmental sustainability, thereby contributing to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

Mindfulness in Leadership and Diplomacy

Mindfulness in leadership and diplomacy represents a paradigm shift towards more conscious, empathetic, and effective governance and management. Mindful leadership embodies qualities such as self-awareness, empathy, patience, and decisiveness, enabling leaders to navigate complex situations with clarity and compassion. 

“Leaders who have embraced mindfulness are adept at managing their emotions, fostering a positive work environment, and inspiring their teams to achieve collective goals,” says a teacher from The Monastic Academy. 

Mindful diplomacy, meanwhile, involves the application of mindfulness principles in diplomatic negotiations, fostering a climate of respect, understanding, and patience. By approaching negotiations with a mindful perspective, diplomats can better manage stress and emotions, leading to more constructive discussions and mutually beneficial outcomes. 

Instances of diplomatic success through mindfulness practices include peace negotiations where mediators have used mindfulness techniques to de-escalate tensions and facilitate open dialogue. These situations illustrate how mindfulness can contribute to resolving conflicts, building trust, and fostering long-term peace agreements. Through the lens of mindful leadership and diplomacy, it becomes evident that mindfulness can significantly impact the effectiveness of leaders and diplomats, offering a pathway to more compassionate, inclusive, and sustainable global governance.

The Path Ahead to Bridging the Gap between Mindfulness and Global Harmony

The integration of mindfulness into the fabric of our personal lives, communities, leadership, and diplomatic efforts holds transformative potential for society and the world at large. Embracing mindfulness as a foundational element in education, corporate cultures, governance, and international relations can catalyze a shift towards more compassionate, resilient, and sustainable ways of living and interacting. The challenge and opportunity lie in mainstreaming mindfulness practices to foster a global consciousness that prioritizes empathy, understanding, and collective well-being. By continuing to share the benefits of mindfulness, we can inspire a wave of positive change that transcends borders and cultures. 

Published by: Martin De Juan

Nurturing the Golden Harvest: The Republican Vision for California’s Agricultural Prosperity

In the vast and vibrant landscapes of California, agriculture is not merely an industry; it’s a testament to the state’s rich heritage and a cornerstone of its economic prowess. As the nation’s leading agricultural producer, California’s farms and ranches are vital in feeding both America and the world beyond. Yet, this crucial sector stands at a crossroads, challenged by severe water scarcity, complex regulatory frameworks, and the pressing need for expanded trade avenues. Amidst these challenges shines a beacon of hope—The Republican Party’s “From Farm to Fork” initiative—pledging unwavering support to ensure the sustainability and prosperity of California’s agricultural sector.

**Water Scarcity: Quenching the Agricultural Thirst**

California’s farmers face an uphill battle against cyclical droughts intensified by climate change. These conditions threaten not just crop yields but also the livelihoods dependent on them. The Republican strategy addresses this critical issue head-on with significant investments in water infrastructure. This plan includes constructing new storage facilities and modernizing existing ones while promoting advancements in desalination and water recycling technologies. It aims to replenish California’s water supply sustainably. Additionally, endorsing precision irrigation systems and soil moisture monitoring technologies reflects a commitment to maximizing water efficiency, thereby reducing waste without harming our precious ecosystems.

**Regulatory Burdens: Cultivating a Favorable Environment**

Navigating through the intricate maze of state and federal regulations presents another formidable challenge for California’s farmers. Although these rules aim to safeguard safety, environmental integrity, and fair labor practices, they often bring hefty costs and operational hurdles for farmers. The Republican vision proposes streamlining regulatory processes to ease compliance burdens on farmers while ensuring safety and environmental protection remain paramount. By advocating for science-based standards and engaging in constructive dialogue with regulatory bodies, Republicans envision creating an environment where agricultural productivity thrives alongside innovation.

**Trade Avenues: Expanding Markets for California’s Produce**

For California’s agriculture to succeed on a global scale, expanding trade avenues is imperative. Facing barriers like tariffs and international competition can stifle exports of Californian produce. The Republican strategy focuses on negotiating equitable trade agreements that open up new markets while safeguarding local farmers from unfair competition abroad. Initiatives aimed at promoting California’s agricultural exports seek to leverage the state’s reputation for quality produce by gaining a competitive edge in global markets.

**Innovation and Technology: Securing the Future of Agriculture**

Overcoming contemporary challenges demands innovative solutions; hence, Republicans champion integrating cutting-edge technologies into farming practices—from advanced genetics to robotics—and artificial intelligence (AI). Such innovations promise revolutionized farming methods that are efficient, sustainable, and resilient against environmental adversities. Encouraging policies that facilitate research and development within agricultural technology ensures farmers have access to tools essential for maintaining competitiveness in today’s fast-evolving world.

**Environmental Stewardship: Farming in Harmony with Nature**

Sustainability forms the crux of Republican efforts towards environmental stewardship within agriculture—acknowledging farming practices’ profound impact on our natural resources. Supporting techniques like cover cropping, conservation tillage, and integrated pest management exemplifies commitment towards enhancing soil health, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, and safeguarding water quality—all while ensuring productive farmlands thrive across generations.

At this pivotal moment for California agriculture—challenged yet resilient—the “From Farm to Fork” initiative emerges as a holistic approach designed by Republicans committed to nurturing this golden harvest that defines our legacy. With strategic investments focused on innovation alongside sustainability efforts led by figures such as Dr. Sarah Liew—an advocate deeply invested in fostering statewide prosperity—this vision transcends political aspirations aiming instead for a future where all Californians prosper.

Dr Liew’s dedication echoes across her digital platforms (, Facebook (, Instagram (, heralding not just political campaigns but invoking movements geared towards shared prosperity—a testament indeed that when it comes to supporting California’s heartland; actions speak louder than words.

Published by: Aly Cinco

Cordney “MAC Woods” McClain: Championing Change through Inclusion, Mentorship, and Artistic Expression

By: Michelle Mackel

Every so often, an individual emerges who exemplifies the beautiful harmony of pursuing passion and serving the community simultaneously. Cordney D. McClain is one individual whose expansive and impressive repertoire of accomplishments paints the portrait of a life lived in service to empowering marginalized groups and underserved communities with passion, integrity, and dedication. Not only is he a Partnerships Strategist and Inclusion Expert, but he is also a respected artist, a noted educator, and a decorated veteran.

A proud alumnus of the University of Oklahoma, McClain found his way first into the corporate world, where he garnered nearly two decades of experience. His summative knowledge in inclusivity and diversity, coupled with his MBA degree, led him to the role of Partnerships Strategist and Inclusion Expert for the STAAR Foundation in Oklahoma City, dedicated to curriculum-based juvenile rehabilitation and youth professional development.

An Army National Guard veteran, McClain is no stranger to dedication and discipline, ideals that serve as the bedrock of his philosophy. This is echoed in his belief that “discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment,” a testament to his relentless pursuit of equality and fairness, whether in classrooms, boardrooms or community spaces. His excellent track record as an educator, business communication adjunct professor, and consistent service as an annual host and performer for the Teacher’s Appreciation Foundation Gala back up McClain’s mantra.

Despite his commendable strides in the corporate and educational spaces, McClain possesses equal prowess in the artistic world, where he goes by “MAC Woods.” As a spoken word artist, he has left indelible imprints in the OKCPD Outreach program and various artistic spaces. Nationally nominated, a published author, and an Apple-charted recording artist, his artistic finesse is best encapsulated in his sophomore album, ‘Pressure Cookers,’ which gained Grammy Consideration, and the book, ‘Blacker Than Shakespeare’s Ink.’

Simultaneously expressing his devotion to the art and opening critical dialogues about Black men and mental health, McClain keenly displays his commitment to underserved communities. As he expresses: “I’m extremely proud of diligence and contributions by everyone on my sophomore album, Pressure Cookers, for its Grammy Consideration and #1 Spoken Word iTunes commemoration. I believe that we put together an extraordinary project with an immensely important and intentional message.”

Further highlighting his versatile talents, McClain has engaged in acting and has been featured in various films, series, and commercials, including the notable Oklahoma Black Wall Street Burning. All these endeavors underscore his hard-won and well-deserved rise to be listed among the Top 40 Black leaders worldwide.

However, his work is firmly grounded in the hope of inspiring change among marginalized groups through financial literacy programs, self-love and actualization strategies, and goal execution initiatives. Not just content being a leader, McClain ensconces himself among the ranks of mentors, role models, and inspirational figures for many in Oklahoma and beyond.

No tribute to McClain could omit his invaluable role as a family man. A proud and loving husband to Mrs. Carrie McClain and a doting father to Kimora Monáe and Camílla Justice, he embodies the celebration of Black culture, heritage, and family.

Between his tireless endeavors in inclusion and diversity, his artistic prowess, and his steadfast belief in community service and mentorship, Cordney D. McClain more than exemplifies the essence of influential Black leadership. His dedication, passion, and commitment serve not just to inspire the present generation but also to lay a promising foundation for those to come. His work showcases how bridging the gap between individual goals and collective advancement can create a powerful ripple effect of positive change.



Published By: Aize Perez

Breaking Barriers & Empowering American Women to Overcome Life’s Challenges

Image Commercially Licensed from: Depositphotos

In a world where women continue to break barriers, pursue dreams, and strive for equality, it’s crucial to shed light on the common struggles faced by American women. From navigating the complexities of career advancement to addressing mental health concerns, women encounter unique challenges that demand attention and solutions. In this article, we’ll explore five significant hurdles many American women face and provide actionable tips on overcoming them for a healthier and more empowered life.

The Balancing Act of Motherhood and Career

Achieving the elusive work-life balance is a constant struggle for many American women, especially those juggling the responsibilities of motherhood and a demanding career. The pressure to do well in both realms can lead to burnout and stress. To overcome this challenge, women must prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and communicate openly with their support systems. By establishing a healthy balance, women can navigate the complexities of modern life without compromising their well-being.

Body Image and Societal Pressures

Societal expectations and the constant barrage of unrealistic beauty standards contribute to body image issues among American women, from teenage years to when they’re navigating menopause and everywhere in between. Overcoming these challenges requires a shift in perspective and a commitment to self-love. Embracing diversity and recognizing the beauty in all shapes and sizes is essential. Encouraging a positive body image not only boosts a woman’s confidence but also fosters a culture of acceptance and empowerment for women across the nation.

Alcohol Addiction and the Road to Recovery

One prevalent struggle faced by many American women is alcohol addiction. The societal normalization of alcohol consumption, coupled with stressors unique to women, can contribute to the development of problematic drinking habits. Most women achieve long-term sobriety by traveling for rehab, whether it’s to a Utah, Miami, or alcohol rehab near Houston. Taking this bold step allows individuals to focus on their healing journey away from familiar triggers and environments.

The decision to seek rehabilitation away from home provides a vital opportunity for women to break free from the cycle of addiction. By immersing themselves in a supportive and therapeutic environment, they gain the tools necessary to confront the root causes of their alcohol dependency. Whether choosing a serene setting in Utah, the vibrant atmosphere of Miami, or a local alcohol rehab near Houston, the change in surroundings plays a pivotal role in fostering recovery. 

Workplace Inequality and Gender Bias

Despite advancements in gender equality, workplace inequality and gender bias persist in many industries. American women often face challenges related to unequal pay, limited opportunities for career advancement, and subtle biases. Overcoming these hurdles requires advocacy, mentorship programs, and a collective effort to challenge and change outdated norms. By fostering a supportive workplace culture and advocating for fair policies, women can pave the way for a more equitable professional landscape. It is crucial to establish mentorship programs that connect experienced women with those entering the workforce. These initiatives provide guidance, encouragement, and valuable insights, helping women navigate the intricate dynamics of their respective industries. Through mentorship, women can develop the skills necessary to overcome gender-based challenges, fostering a sense of solidarity and empowerment in the professional realm. By dismantling barriers and promoting inclusivity, we can ensure that all women have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed in their careers.

Mental Health Stigma and Seeking Support

The stigma surrounding mental health still presents a significant obstacle for American women. Societal expectations often discourage open discussions about mental well-being, leading many to suffer in silence. To overcome this struggle, it’s crucial to normalize conversations about mental health, encourage seeking professional help, and prioritize self-care. Building a strong support system, both personally and professionally, can provide the necessary foundation for women to address and manage their mental health in a meaningful way that is long-lasting and effective.

As American women continue to face various challenges on their journey toward personal and professional fulfillment, it’s essential to acknowledge these struggles and work towards viable solutions. By fostering a culture of acceptance, promoting mental health awareness, and actively addressing societal issues, we can empower women to overcome obstacles and thrive. Each woman’s journey is unique, but by sharing experiences, providing support, and breaking down barriers together, we can create a brighter and more equitable future for women’s health and well-being. Stay empowered, stay resilient, and continue breaking those barriers!

Published by: Martin De Juan

Tips For a Romantic Valentine’s Break

Like a master chef crafting a gourmet meal, planning a romantic Valentine’s break requires thought, creativity, and a dash of spontaneity. You’re not just planning a trip, you’re curating a unique experience filled with unforgettable moments.

From selecting the perfect destination to incorporating shared interests and planning surprises along the journey, every detail counts. But don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the process with 10 practical tips to help create a Valentine’s break that’ll rival any romantic movie.

Intrigued? Let’s get started.

Selecting the Perfect Destination

Consider lovely mountain cottages, beachside resorts, charming bed & breakfasts, or even Paris or Venice for a romantic Valentine’s holiday. These romantic, intimate, and loving places are perfect for Valentine’s Day getaways.

Choose a Valentine’s Day destination you both like. To maintain romance, the destination must suit both of you. Mountain cabins may suit adventurous couples. Beachfront resorts offer tranquility.

Make sure your destination is accessible. Complications on the road kill romance faster than anything else. Choose a sunny destination like Mexico, Turks & Caicos, or St. Barts.

Finally, seek accommodations with privacy, great service, and relaxation. Look for spas, romantic restaurants, and interesting activities. Planning ahead can make your Valentine’s vacation spectacular.

Planning Surprises Along the Journey

To make your Valentine’s getaway even more memorable, it’s essential to sprinkle in a few unexpected surprises along the journey. Planning surprises along the journey amplifies the romance, captures the spirit of adventure, and strengthens the bond between you.

Here are four suggestions to help you plan:

  1. Plan surprise elements for each other: This could be anything from a surprise picnic to a secret scenic detour. The element of surprise will add a thrill to your trip.
  2. Arrange a private dinner on the beach: Nothing screams romance like a candlelit dinner under the stars, with the sound of waves as your background music.
  3. Enjoy a hot tub under the stars: A relaxing soak after a day of adventure can be the perfect end to your day.
  4. Prepare a personalized gift waiting in your room: A token of love, maybe a handwritten love letter or a photo album of your shared memories, can make your partner feel special.

Choosing Intimate Accommodation

When orchestrating your romantic retreat, prioritize selections like quiet cabins, boutique hotel breaks, and opulent villas. These settings are ideal for offering the seclusion and privacy needed for a deeply personal vacation experience.

Seek out boutique hotel breaks that offer special romantic packages or amenities. These could include couple’s massages, secluded hot tubs, and bespoke services that elevate your stay. Imagine staying in romantic apartments boasting cozy fireplaces, balconies with stunning vistas, or inviting outdoor dining settings.

The accommodation you choose plays a pivotal role in the success of your romantic getaway. Focus on places that offer a blend of comfort, luxury, and meticulous attention to detail. The ultimate aim is to find a retreat that offers the intimacy you desire and resonates with a sense of belonging and exclusivity.

Incorporating Shared Interests

After finding a quiet, romantic setting, spice up your Valentine’s break with activities that suit both of you. Remember that spending quality time together means experiencing experiences that strengthen your friendship.

  1. Do Things You Both Like: It could be a couples’ cooking lesson or a hobby-related museum visit. This gives you something to look forward to and allows for learning and recollections.
  2. Choose a Good Destination: Choose a place where you may share interests. A beach is perfect if you both love water sports. Hiking enthusiasts should choose a mountain hideaway.
  3. Think About Accommodations: Find a hotel with golf courses or a resort with nature tours that match your interests.
  4. Prioritize Bonding Activities: Attend a wine-tasting or photography course to bond over shared interests.

Creating a Romantic Itinerary

Ever thought about how planning love-filled activities can transform your Valentine’s break into a memorable romantic getaway? It’s time to take the reins and create lasting memories with your loved one.

Here’s a simple guide to help you:

  1. Plan a private dinner for two. Whether it’s a home-cooked meal or a fancy restaurant, this intimate setting will surely ignite the spark.
  2. Consider a scenic hike. Not only will this satisfy your adventurous side, but the stunning views can make for a romantic backdrop.
  3. Surprise your partner. This could be a handwritten love letter or a thoughtful gift.
  4. Leave room for spontaneity. Sometimes, the most memorable moments are the unplanned ones.

Packing Essentials for a Romantic Break

Before setting off on your romantic Valentine’s break, it’s crucial to pack wisely, ensuring you have everything you need for a memorable time. Proper packing reduces stress and enhances the overall experience of your getaway.

Here are your four packing essentials:

  1. Appropriate Clothing: Consider the climate and activities of your destination. If you’re heading to a tropical paradise, pack light, airy clothes. If it’s a winter wonderland, don’t forget your warm coats and boots.
  2. Sentimental Items: These can be small trinkets, photographs, or anything else that holds special meaning for both of you. They’ll serve as reminders of your shared history and deepen your connection.
  3. Personal Care Items: Don’t overlook toiletries and other personal care items. They’ll help you feel fresh and confident throughout your trip.
  4. A Camera: Capture those magical moments and make them last forever. It’s the 16th century equivalent of carving your initials on a tree, only better!

Surprise Gift Ideas for Your Partner

Thinking about what to give your partner this Valentine’s?

Often, the key to your partner’s heart lies in a personalized gift that reflects their interests, personality, and the sentimental value it holds for them. When it comes to personalized gift selection, it’s important to:

  1. Consider their interests and preferences. If they’re a book lover, a first edition of their favorite novel might hit the spot.
  2. Choose a gift that holds sentimental value. Perhaps a framed picture of a special moment you shared together?
  3. Personalize the gift with a thoughtful message. This could be a heartfelt note or a special engraving.
  4. Think outside the box. Unique and unexpected gifts that align with their hobbies or passions can be a big hit.

Unique Valentine’s Day Activities

For an extraordinary Valentine’s Day, consider a hot air balloon ride, an unforgettable experience that’s sure to take your romance to new heights. Imagine floating above the world, hand in hand, as you watch the sunrise or sunset together. It’s a unique way to spend time with your loved one, creating memories that’ll last a lifetime.

Here are a few more ideas for a unique Valentine’s Day:

  1. Private Beach Dinner: Surprise your partner with a romantic dinner on the beach. Just the two of you, a delicious meal, and the sound of the waves – it’s the perfect setting for a night away.
  2. Shared Experiences: Plan activities that both of you can enjoy. This could be anything from a cooking class to a hiking adventure. These shared experiences can deepen your bond.
  3. Choose Your Destination: Whether it’s a cozy mountain cabin or a luxury beachfront resort, choose a place that appeals to both of you. This day should be about shared joy and compatibility.
  4. Disconnect: Turn off your phones, leave work behind, and focus solely on each other. This is your time to reconnect and rekindle your love.

Keeping the Romance Alive During the Trip

Unique activities can add excitement to your Valentine’s Day vacation, but romantic gestures keep the flame blazing. Plan romantic surprises for your partner. It may be a love note in their luggage or a supper surprise. These unexpected encounters will enhance your time together.

Select activities that foster intimacy and community. Shared moments like a sunset beach walk or culinary class will enhance your friendship – perfect for instagram influencers and perfect for you two too. Special dinners at unique locations are ideal for expressing your sentiments.

It’s vital to focus on each other without interruptions. Spend time celebrating your love away from the everyday grind.

Personalized touches demonstrate love and attention. A playlist of your partner’s favorite songs for the road or their favorite snacks for a surprise picnic. Those careful touches will be recognized.

Making the Return Home Special

Having a memorable return home might add to the romance of your Valentine’s break. Your journey doesn’t finish when you get home. How to maintain romance:

  1. Create a Romantic Ambience: Before leaving for your trip, make your home warm and welcoming. Light some scented candles, strew rose petals and have a romantic playlist ready for when you walk through the door.
  2. Thoughtful Surprise: Plan a surprise for your partner that shows you’ve been thinking of them, a gift or a handwritten note can work wonders.
  3. Recreate a Memorable Experience: Recreate a special moment from your trip. It could be making the same cocktail you’d on the beach or watching the film you saw at the cozy cinema.
  4. First Night Feast: Plan a special dinner or activity for the first night back, it’ll give you both something to look forward to.


So, as you plan your Valentine’s break, remember:

  • Nothing says ‘romance’ like a shared sunrise or a cheeky wine tasting.
  • Sprinkle your journey with surprises, wrap it up in a cozy, intimate accommodation, and voila – you’ve nailed it!
  • Keep that spark alive, make every moment count, and you’ll return home with more than just a bottle of wine.

After all, isn’t love the greatest adventure of all?

Happy planning, lovebirds!

Published by: Martin De Juan

Bridging the Gap: Manisha Pratapsinh’s Mission to Improve Public Transportation in Mozambique

Chicago is a city renowned for its iconic transit system and beautiful architecture. The Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) orchestrates the nation’s second-largest public transportation system, facilitating around 1.7 million rides on an average weekday. However, not every corner of the world enjoys such extensive opportunities. Mozambique, situated in the southeastern part of the African continent, grapples with a deficient transportation system. In this challenging context, entrepreneur Manisha Pratapsinh noticed the problem her community was facing and started to work on finding the solution her home country needed.

Manisha Pratapsinh’s Vision: In a nation where public transport is inaccessible to many due to remote locations, poor road networks, and irregular services, Manisha Pratapsinh recognized a pressing issue. Born and raised in Mozambique, she decided to take matters into her own hands to bridge the transportation gap. Already a successful entrepreneur with a background in construction machinery, Manisha set her sights on revolutionizing public transportation in her homeland.

Manisha’s journey as an entrepreneur began with a company specializing in construction machinery. However, her passion for addressing societal issues led her to venture into public transportation. Recognizing the challenges faced by the people in Mozambique, she founded a bus company with the aim of making transportation more accessible and reliable.

The inadequacy of the transportation system posed a significant hurdle to economic and social development. Manisha’s bus company seeks to fulfill the crucial need for reliable and accessible public transport in the region. By doing so, she not only addresses a pressing issue but also contributes to the overall well-being and progress of her community.

Despite now residing in Madrid, Manisha remains deeply connected to her roots and continues to oversee her business in Mozambique. Her commitment to the cause reflects a genuine desire to create positive change in her home country. Operating from Madrid also provides her with a global perspective, allowing her to implement innovative solutions inspired by successful transportation models worldwide.

Manisha Pratapsinh’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, and she has become a noteworthy figure in discussions surrounding entrepreneurship and social impact. Her dedication to improving the lives of people in Mozambique through enhanced transportation options has earned her admiration and respect.

Manisha’s dedication to improving public transportation in Mozambique stems from her deep-rooted understanding of the challenges faced by her fellow citizens. Growing up in the country, she witnessed firsthand the struggles of accessing reliable transportation, especially in remote areas with poor road networks. This intimate knowledge of her country’s transportation issues fueled her determination to make a difference, driving her entrepreneurial endeavors forward.

Building a successful bus company from the ground up required perseverance and strategic planning on Manisha’s part. She navigated bureaucratic hurdles and financial obstacles, never losing sight of her goal to provide accessible and reliable transportation options for the people of Mozambique. Manisha is now inspiring others to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations despite the challenges they may face.

Manisha’s commitment to her home country extends beyond her business endeavors. She actively engages with local communities, listening to their feedback and incorporating their needs into her company’s operations. By fostering a collaborative approach to addressing transportation issues, she empowers Mozambicans to take ownership of their mobility solutions, promoting a sense of collective responsibility and community.

She recognizes the interconnected nature of social development and understands the importance of holistic solutions in addressing systemic challenges. Through her multifaceted approach to community empowerment, she embodies the spirit of social entrepreneurship, leveraging her resources and expertise to create meaningful and sustainable impact.

Her vision to address the transportation challenges in Mozambique reflects a commitment to societal well-being and economic development.


Published By: Aize Perez

Grace CW Liu: Cultivating Healthy Communication for Happy and Harmonious Relationships

Grace CW Liu emerges as a guiding light, offering a unique approach to helping women find their voice and fostering healthy relationships. As a speech-language pathologist, energy healer, and expert communication navigator, Grace is on a mission to empower middle-aged, introverted, and conflict-phobic women to communicate openly and honestly, without the fear of arguments or criticisms, for the sake of cultivating happy and harmonious relationships.

Growing up as an Asian American woman, Grace faced societal norms that urged her to be seen and not heard. This experience inspired her to delve into the art of communication. Grace draws parallels between communication and various forms of art, emphasizing that the tools for communication, like words, tone of voice, and body language, are as diverse as those used by artists.

Just as artists have different styles like impressionism, surrealism, or pop art, Grace identifies distinct communication styles – nurturer, fireball, diplomatic, and humorous communicators. Grace herself identifies as a nurturer with a touch of humor. By understanding these styles, individuals can navigate communication obstacles and create the feeling they want their listeners to receive.

Communication, according to Grace, is not just an art form; it’s also like cultivating a garden. Just as a garden needs attention to flourish, so does communication. Grace urges her audience to weed out destructive communication patterns, set healthy boundaries, and put in the work to cultivate communication for a happy and harmonious relationship.

Grace emphasizes the importance of understanding the energy behind words, body language, and tone of voice. By being aware of one’s communication style and that of their partner, individuals can pave the way for effective communication and avoid the pitfalls of misunderstandings.

Grace’s expertise stems from her background as a speech-language pathologist, dealing with communication issues arising from various challenges. She believes that healthy communication is the key to building not just good, but truly harmonious relationships. Grace focuses solely on communication, emphasizing its significance in both personal and professional realms.

Targeting middle-aged, introverted, sensitive, and conflict-phobic women, Grace aims to help them break free from the fear of arguments and criticisms. Through her strategies, she wants her audience to communicate confidently, openly, and without fear, fostering relationships that are both joyful and fulfilling.

In conclusion, Grace CW Liu’s approach to communication is not just about exchanging words; it’s about creating art and tending to a garden of healthy communication. By embracing this philosophy, individuals can break free from communication barriers and nurture relationships that stand the test of time.

Grace invites individuals to connect with her on Facebook and LinkedIn to delve deeper into the world of healthy communication. Her website is a hub for resources, guidance, and tools to cultivate effective communication skills.

Published by: Nelly Chavez