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Breaking out of self-destructive habits is never easy; life coach Rosetta Qadhi on loving yourself again

Since the beginning of time, humans have been shattering the glass ceiling with their potential and confidence. From dreaming to flying to creating airplanes, there is no doubt we all are limitless. We describe our true worth with our ability to imagine. There is nothing humans cannot achieve if they put their heart and mind into it. These are ideologies that have created and polished many great people throughout time. Such thoughts helped people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, and Mary Barra imprint their names on the hall of fame. They all can claim the title of “Veni, Vidi, Vici.” Among these incredible people lies someone with a golden heart, the Rosetta Qadhi.


Rosetta Qadhi is the President and CEO of Think & Grow Rich Caribbean, a successful businesswoman, and entrepreneur. She was born and reared in Jamaica and grew up in poverty. Even though she was born in an underdeveloped country with limited opportunities, she never doubted her hard work. From a very young age, she realized the reality of life and understood only she could bring change in her life. Rosetta pushed the bar with Think and Grow Rich Caribbean Institute, while others dreamed she made them a reality. She attributes her success to Napoleon Hill’s teachings, which have changed her life, and she hopes to do the same for all of us.


Rosetta Qadhi always believes in helping others to achieve greatness. She understands how difficult it could be for anyone to break out of their destructive habit cycle. She knows how hard it could be for someone to quit smoking, gambling, or addiction to alcohol. How difficult it could be to focus on a career and be confident in your decisions. She knows how important it is for all of us to replace the negative voices in our heads that tell us, “It is too much for us” or “We can’t do it,” with motivating and cheerful screams. 


Every year, several people around us attempt suicide after giving up hope and losing everything. Hope is an essential part of our life, and it can strengthen us to move mountains or reach out to the stars. There is no shame in admitting your mistake and feeling a little down. During such phases in life, people like Rosetta Qadhi came down as a helping hand from god. Understanding how everyone carries different weights on their back and each individual requires special attention is what makes her the best at what she does. Her unique life experiences have made her mentally impenetrable, and she can see the hidden talent and suppress potential in you when no one can.  


Self-destructive habits can only be powerful if we allow them to be. There is no habit too strong that can stop you from quitting. If you are struggling with any self-destructive habits mentioned below, there is no need to worry.  


  • Attempting suicide.
  • Binge eating.
  • Compulsive activities like gambling, gaming, or shopping.
  • Impulsive and risky sexual behavior.
  • Overusing alcohol and drugs.
  • Self-injury, such as cutting, hair pulling, burning.
  • Being self-derogatory, insisting you’re not intelligent, capable, or attractive enough.
  • Changing yourself to please others.
  • Clinging to someone who is not interested in you.
  • Engaging in alienating or aggressive behavior that pushes people away.
  • Maladaptive behaviors, such as chronic avoidance, procrastination, and passive-aggressiveness.
  • Wallowing in self-pity.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Childhood trauma, neglect, or abandonment.
  • Emotional or physical abuse.
  • Friends who self-injure.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Social isolation, exclusion.


Such habits can cause some of the deadliest and most harmful mental disabilities, and all such issues need to be addressed with top priority. With the proper guidance and help, you can be free as a bird. The day you decide to set yourself free and break open, this virtual cage won’t stand a chance and won’t be able to hold your shine and glowing personality. You will realize the cell you think you are trapped in, or the hole you feel is sinking you in, lies just in your thoughts. You will find the confidence you always lack.


According to research, you can quit every bad habit and break all the walls that stop you from evolving into the best version of yourself in just four steps. 


Step 1: Acknowledging the issue. 

You cannot fight the enemies until you admit their existence. The first step toward a better life is to accept that you have a bad habit, addiction, or self-destructive actions. Acknowledging your enemies clears your thoughts from any surprise, and it puts you on the right track in your life as you can know who to defeat.


Step 2: Change your environment. 

It can be seen as a cliché step, but changing your environment and adding new, more productive, and positive people in your life can help you get over any impossible obstacle. Our subconscious mind learns and adapts many things from our surroundings, impacting our overall personality. Having a good crowd around you can benefit you in thousands of ways.


Step 3: Remind yourself the reason for achieving greatness.

Many of us realize our true worth, but procrastination and fears stop us from accomplishing such goals. A constant reminder can help you maintain your motivational level and uplift your confidence.


Step 4: Maintain your success.

Many of us climb up to the top and claim our throw easily, but most of us lack the consistency of living like a champion. We must not see this phase as a one-time deal; instead, we should be able to adapt it like a lifestyle and carry it with us till our last breath.

Everyone in this world deserves a second chance in life, even you. No matter what situations and demons you face in life, you can overcome anything with a bit of help. We live in a polarized society, with people having more poisonous tongues than a snake. In such an era, people like Rosetta Qadhi are a true blessing. They know the true happiness of helping others. Their life coaching has helped millions worldwide to accomplish all of their dreams and encouraged them toward self-love.

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