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Alison Hawley Dissects The Impact of Project-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Success

In recent years, the traditional classroom dynamic, characterized by rows of desks facing a chalkboard, has undergone a significant transformation. At the forefront of this educational revolution is project-based learning (PBL), a teaching method that emphasizes learning through engaging in projects that are complex, require critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication. PBL has been heralded for its ability to enhance student engagement and success, marking a significant shift from rote memorization to active learning.

The Essence of Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is not a new concept; however, its adoption and widespread application in educational systems worldwide have gained momentum in recent years. PBL is designed around real-world problems or challenges, requiring students to engage in research, design, problem-solving, and presentation. This method stands in contrast to traditional teaching techniques, which often involve direct instruction followed by individual tasks.

The essence of PBL lies in its student-centered approach. Students are given autonomy over their learning, allowing them to explore topics that interest them within the framework of the curriculum. This autonomy not only increases engagement but also fosters a deeper understanding of the material, as students apply what they learn to solve tangible problems.

Enhancing Student Engagement

One of the most significant benefits of project-based learning is its ability to boost student engagement. In a PBL setting, students are more than passive recipients of information; they are active participants in their learning journey. By involving students in projects that are relevant to their lives and the real world, PBL makes learning more engaging and meaningful.

The interactive nature of PBL encourages collaboration among students, further enhancing engagement. Working in teams, students learn to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and support one another, mirroring the collaboration skills necessary in the workforce and everyday life.

Fostering Success Through Real-World Skills

Beyond engagement, PBL is instrumental in equipping students with skills essential for success in the 21st century. Through project work, students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they navigate challenges and seek solutions. These skills are highly valued in higher education and the workplace, where the ability to analyze information, make informed decisions, and tackle complex problems is paramount.

PBL encourages students to develop self-management skills, including time management and self-discipline, as they must plan their work and meet project deadlines. This level of responsibility prepares students for the autonomy they will experience in college and their future careers.

Challenges and Solutions

While the benefits of project-based learning are clear, its implementation is not without challenges. Teachers must be willing to adopt a facilitator role, guiding students in their projects rather than leading direct instruction. This shift requires professional development and support, as educators learn to balance providing guidance with allowing students the freedom to explore.

Additionally, assessing student work in a PBL framework can be complex, as traditional tests and quizzes may not adequately measure the depth of understanding and skills acquired through project work. Developing rubrics that assess both the process and the final product, incorporating self-assessments, and peer reviews can offer a more holistic evaluation of student learning.

A Professional’s Approach

Educators like Alison Hawley, an Assistant Superintendent of Instruction from Evanston, Illinois, exemplify the positive impact of embracing project-based learning. Hawley champions PBL not only for its ability to engage students but also for fostering independence, critical thinking, and a sense of ownership over learning. By incorporating PBL strategies, Hawley has witnessed firsthand the transformation in student motivation and achievement, further advocating for its adoption in schools seeking to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world.


Project-based learning represents a paradigm shift in education, moving away from traditional lecture-based instruction to a more interactive, student-centered approach. By engaging students in meaningful, real-world projects, PBL enhances learning, fosters essential life skills, and prepares students for future success. While challenges exist, the benefits of PBL, as demonstrated by educators like Alison Hawley, underscore its value as a transformative educational tool. As more schools adopt project-based learning, the potential for revolutionizing education and empowering future generations becomes increasingly evident.

Published by: Martin De Juan

The Power of Educational Philanthropy: Shaping the Future Through Scholarships and Mentorship

Image Commercially Licensed from: Unsplash

A Catalyst for Change

Education is a powerful tool for social change and personal growth. In today’s world, where educational disparities continue to pose significant challenges, philanthropic initiatives in education play a crucial role in bridging gaps and fostering opportunities. Educational philanthropy, through scholarships and mentorship programs, not only assists students financially but also provides guidance and support, paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.

The Impact of Scholarships on Higher Education

Scholarships are more than just financial aid; they are investments in potential. For many students, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds, scholarships are the key to unlocking educational opportunities that might otherwise be inaccessible. These funds help alleviate the financial burdens of higher education, allowing students to focus on their studies and personal development without the constant stress of financial constraints.

Leveling the Playing Field

By providing scholarships, philanthropic organizations contribute to leveling the educational playing field. This support is vital in promoting diversity and inclusion within higher education institutions, ensuring that students from all walks of life have the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Beyond Financial Aid: The Role of Mentorship

While scholarships address financial barriers, mentorship tackles another crucial aspect – guidance and support. Mentorship programs connect students with experienced professionals who can offer insights, advice, and encouragement. This relationship helps students navigate the complexities of their educational journey and career planning, offering a more holistic approach to educational support.

A Case in Point

A notable example of impactful educational philanthropy is seen in the efforts of Donato Tramuto, co-founder of the TramutoPorter Foundation, which is dedicated to advancing the rights of young people to education and healthcare. Through his foundation, Tramuto has not only provided scholarships to numerous young adults but also emphasized the importance of mentorship in guiding them towards achieving their educational and career goals. Board Members of the Foundation are involved in the mentoring program taking on a mentee based on an alignment of their professional skills with the respective scholarship recipient.

Nurturing Future Leaders

Educational philanthropy, as championed by figures like Tramuto, is about nurturing the next generation of leaders. By supporting students today, we are investing in the leaders, innovators, and change-makers of tomorrow. These initiatives foster a sense of responsibility and a desire to give back, creating a virtuous cycle of philanthropy and social progress.

The Role of Mentorship in Educational Philanthropy

Mentorship, an often-overlooked component of educational philanthropy, plays a vital role in shaping the academic and professional trajectories of students. Mentors act as role models, advisors, and supporters, offering insights that go beyond academic learning.

Building Networks and Opportunities

Effective mentorship opens doors to networking opportunities, internships, and career paths that might otherwise be out of reach. These connections are invaluable in today’s competitive job market, giving students a head start in their chosen fields.

Developing Soft Skills and Confidence

Mentorship also helps in the development of essential soft skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving. These skills are critical in both personal and professional contexts, empowering students to navigate various challenges and opportunities with confidence.

Challenges and Opportunities in Educational Philanthropy

While educational philanthropy has made significant strides, challenges remain. Ensuring equitable access to scholarships and mentorship programs, especially for marginalized communities, is a continuous effort. Additionally, adapting these programs to meet the evolving needs of students in a rapidly changing world is crucial.

Embracing Technology and Innovation

Leveraging technology can enhance the reach and effectiveness of educational philanthropy. Online platforms can facilitate mentorship and learning opportunities, making them more accessible to a broader audience. Innovation in program design and delivery is also essential to keep pace with the changing educational landscape.

Fostering Long-Term Engagement

Another key aspect is fostering long-term engagement with scholarship recipients and mentees. This ongoing relationship can provide continued support and guidance, helping students navigate their careers and encouraging them to eventually become mentors themselves.

A Vision for the Future

Educational philanthropy, exemplified by the efforts of individuals like Donato Tramuto, is a powerful force for social good. By providing scholarships and mentorship, these initiatives not only help individual students but also contribute to the broader goal of creating a more educated, equitable, and prosperous society.

The future of educational philanthropy lies in its ability to adapt, innovate, and expand its reach, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to realize their potential. Through continued support and commitment, we can look forward to a world where education is a driving force for positive change, shaping a brighter future for all.


Published By: Aize Perez

Avi Cohen, Great Neck Offers Lessons On Growing Your Business Without Losing Quality

Image commercially licensed from: Unsplash

Introduction to Smart Scaling

In the ambitious journey of business growth, one critical challenge stands out: scaling up without compromising on quality. This challenge often becomes a pivotal point, determining whether a business will continue to thrive or stumble under its own growth. Entrepreneurs like Avi Cohen, Great Neck-based founder of Avi Cohen Moving, have demonstrated that it’s possible to expand successfully while maintaining, or even enhancing, the quality of service. This article explores the lessons and strategies vital for scaling up smartly.

Understanding the Essence of Your Business

Identifying Core Values and Strengths

The first step in smart scaling is identifying what makes your business unique. For Avi Cohen, Great Neck was not just a location, but a community where he established a strong reputation for quality service. Understanding your business’s core values and strengths is essential for maintaining quality during growth.

Maintaining Your Business Identity

As you scale, it’s crucial to preserve the essence of your business identity. Whether it’s exceptional customer service, product quality, or a unique business model, keeping this identity intact ensures that growth doesn’t dilute what made your business successful initially.

Investing in the Right Resources

Quality Over Quantity in Hiring

Expanding your team is often a necessity in scaling up. However, it’s important to focus on hiring individuals who align with your business values and quality standards. Invest in training and development to ensure new staff members uphold the same level of service or product quality.

Technological Advancements

Technology can be a game-changer in managing growth. Implementing efficient systems and software can streamline operations and maintain quality. For example, CRM systems can enhance customer relationship management, a key area of focus for businesses.

Customer-Centric Approach

Keeping the Customer at the Forefront

Scaling up should never come at the expense of customer satisfaction. Keeping a customer-centric approach during growth ensures that business decisions are made with the customer’s best interest in mind. This approach has been a cornerstone for businesses, ensuring that their expansion didn’t compromise their commitment to customer service.

Gathering and Implementing Feedback

Customer feedback is a valuable tool for maintaining quality during expansion. Regularly gathering and analyzing feedback can provide insights into areas needing improvement and help in tailoring services or products to customer needs.

Balancing Standardization and Customization

Creating Standard Operating Procedures

To ensure consistency in quality, it’s essential to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs). These guidelines help maintain a uniform standard of quality across all areas of the business.

Allowing Room for Flexibility

While standardization is crucial, it’s equally important to maintain some level of flexibility to cater to specific customer needs. This balance can help in providing a personalized experience, even as the business grows.

Strategic Financial Management

Investing Wisely

Smart scaling requires strategic financial investments. Allocating resources towards areas that directly contribute to maintaining or improving quality, such as staff training, quality materials, or customer service, is essential.

Monitoring Cash Flow

As your business grows, so do the expenses. Regular monitoring of cash flow ensures that the business can sustain its growth without compromising on quality due to financial constraints.

Maintaining Internal Communication and Culture

Effective Communication Among Teams

As businesses scale, maintaining effective communication across different teams becomes challenging but essential. Regular meetings, team-building activities, and open communication channels can help keep everyone aligned with the company’s goals.

Cultivating a Positive Work Culture

A positive work culture directly impacts the quality of output. Cultivating a culture that values quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction can motivate employees to maintain high standards even as the business grows.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

Evolving with Market Trends

The market is constantly evolving, and so should your business. Staying abreast of industry trends and adapting accordingly can help in maintaining a competitive edge.

Regular Quality Assessments

Continuous improvement is key to maintaining quality during growth. Regular assessments of your products or services, and making adjustments as needed, ensure that quality doesn’t deteriorate over time.

Growing with Quality

Scaling up your business is not just about increasing numbers; it’s about growing responsibly while upholding the standards that set you apart. Entrepreneurs like Avi Cohen,Great Neck have shown that with the right strategies, it’s possible to expand your business without sacrificing the quality that defines it. By understanding the essence of your business, investing in resources, maintaining a customer-centric approach, managing finances strategically, and fostering a positive internal culture, you can scale up smartly, ensuring that quality remains the hallmark of your growth.


Published By: Aize Perez

The Evolution of Client Relationships in Wealth Management: Insights from Brent Hablutzel

By: Brent Hablutzel

The landscape of wealth management has undergone significant changes over the past few decades, primarily driven by technological advancements and evolving client expectations. These shifts have profoundly impacted the nature of client-advisor relationships, transforming how wealth management services are delivered and experienced. Brent Hablutzel, a seasoned professional in the field, has witnessed and adapted to these changes, ensuring that the needs and preferences of clients remain at the forefront of his practice.

The Traditional Model of Client-Advisor Relationships

Traditionally, client relationships in wealth management were predominantly face-to-face, with a strong emphasis on personal interaction. Advisors would typically meet clients in their offices, with communication often limited to phone calls and physical meetings. This model placed a premium on personal trust and rapport, with advisors acting as the primary gatekeepers of financial information and advice.

Shift Towards Digital Interactions

The advent of digital technology has radically altered this traditional model. Today, clients have access to a wealth of financial information online, making them more informed and self-reliant. The rise of digital communication platforms has also changed the way clients and advisors interact. Video conferences, emails, and secure online portals are now commonplace, providing more flexibility and immediacy in communication. Brent Hablutzel notes that this shift has not diminished the importance of personal relationships but rather transformed how these relationships are built and maintained.

Personalization Through Technology

Modern technology allows for a greater degree of personalization in wealth management. Advisors can now leverage data analytics to gain deeper insights into their clients’ financial behaviors, preferences, and goals. This data-driven approach enables advisors to provide more tailored advice and investment solutions, enhancing the overall client experience. The use of AI and machine learning tools further augments this personalization, allowing for dynamic portfolio management and real-time financial planning.

Increased Transparency and Client Empowerment

Clients today demand greater transparency and control over their financial affairs. Online platforms and mobile apps provide clients with real-time access to their investment portfolios, transaction histories, and market insights. This level of access empowers clients, making them active participants in the wealth management process. Advisors, including those like Brent Hablutzel, recognize the importance of empowering clients through information and tools that enhance their understanding and involvement in financial decisions.

The Rise of Fintech and Its Impact

The fintech revolution has introduced new players and services in wealth management, from robo-advisors to comprehensive financial planning apps. These innovations have increased competition and raised client expectations regarding convenience, speed, and accessibility. Wealth management firms have responded by integrating fintech solutions into their offerings, thereby enhancing efficiency and client engagement.

Changing Client Demographics and Expectations

The client base of wealth management is becoming increasingly diverse, encompassing different age groups, backgrounds, and financial goals. Younger clients, for instance, often prefer digital-first interactions and are more focused on socially responsible investing. Addressing these varied preferences requires a flexible and adaptive approach. Advisors must be adept at using technology to engage with a broader range of clients while still providing the personalized service that is the hallmark of wealth management.

Collaboration and Team-Based Approaches

In response to the complex needs of clients, wealth management has shifted towards more collaborative and team-based approaches. Clients often have access to a team of specialists, including tax advisors, estate planners, and investment managers, coordinated by their primary wealth advisor. This multidisciplinary approach ensures a comprehensive management of clients’ financial affairs, aligning with their diverse needs and life stages.

The Future of Client-Advisor Relationships in Wealth Management

Looking forward, the client-advisor relationship in wealth management is likely to continue evolving. Technology will play an even larger role, with advancements in AI, machine learning, and blockchain offering new ways to manage and protect wealth. However, the core of wealth management—personalized, trust-based relationships—will remain vital. As Brent Hablutzel aptly puts it, technology is a tool to enhance, not replace, the human element in wealth management.


The evolution of client relationships in wealth management is a testament to the industry’s adaptability and commitment to meeting client needs. While technology has brought about significant changes, the essence of wealth management remains rooted in understanding, trust, and personal connection. As professionals like Brent Hablutzel continue to embrace technological advancements and data-driven insights to enhance their advisory services, they must strike a delicate balance between the convenience of digital tools and the enduring value of human expertise. The modern wealth manager must be equipped with not only cutting-edge software and analytics but also the empathy and communication skills required to build lasting relationships and provide tailored financial solutions. In this evolving landscape, the role of the wealth manager is more dynamic than ever, offering clients a multifaceted approach to achieving their financial goals and securing their financial future.


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How do you recover from water damage?

When faced with water damage in Chicago, taking immediate action to mitigate further damage and begin the recovery process is important. This includes locating the source of the water and shutting it off, turning off the power to ensure safety, and contacting your insurance company to start the claims process.

In this article, we will guide you through the necessary steps to recover from water damage, from identifying the source of the water to restoring and preventing future damage. By following these guidelines, you can minimize the impact of water damage and restore your property to its pre-damage condition.

Key Takeaways:

  • Act quickly to mitigate further damage by locating the water source and shutting it off.
  • Ensure safety by turning off the power and contacting your insurance company to start the claims process.
  • Document the damage and contact your homeowner’s insurance company for assistance.
  • Remove wet items and start the drying process using fans and dehumidifiers.
  • Consider enlisting the help of professionals for water restoration and mold remediation.

Locating the Source

When faced with water damage, one of the first steps in the recovery process is to locate the source of the water. Understanding where the water is coming from will help determine the extent of the damage and the necessary steps for cleanup and restoration.

Common Water Sources

  • Broken Pipe: A broken or burst pipe can lead to significant water damage. Inspect your plumbing system to identify any leaking or damaged pipes.
  • Foundation Cracks: Cracks in your foundation can allow water to seep into your home. Check for any visible cracks or signs of moisture along the foundation walls.
  • Sewer Backup: A sewer backup can result in contaminated water entering your property. If you notice sewage smells or backups in your drains, it may indicate a sewer line issue.

By identifying the specific water source, you can better assess the risks associated with the water damage and take appropriate measures to mitigate further damage.

Remember, water damage can sometimes be deceptive, with the source not always immediately apparent. In such cases, it may be necessary to consult with a professional to accurately identify the source and address the issue effectively.

Next, we will explore safety precautions when dealing with water damage.

Safety Precautions

When dealing with water damage, safety should be your top priority. Taking the necessary precautions can prevent accidents and further damage to your property. Here are some essential safety measures to follow:

  1. Turn off the power: Before entering any water-damaged area, make sure to turn off the power to avoid electrical hazards. Water and electricity do not mix well, and the combination can be extremely dangerous. Locate your circuit panel and shut off the power supply to the affected area.
  2. Unplug electrical devices: In addition to turning off the power, unplug any electrical devices or appliances in the water-damaged area. This includes TVs, computers, lamps, and kitchen appliances. Water can cause severe damage to electronic devices and pose a risk of electrocution.
  3. Contact your utility company: If the circuit panel is located within the water-damaged area or you are unsure about turning off the power, it is recommended that you contact your utility company for assistance. They can guide you through the process of safely disconnecting the power.
  4. Avoid standing water: Standing water can hide hazards such as sharp objects, broken glass, or even contaminants. It is crucial to avoid walking or standing in the water until it has been properly assessed and removed. If necessary, wear protective gear such as rubber boots and gloves.

By following these safety precautions, you can minimize the risks associated with water damage and ensure the well-being of yourself and others.

Contacting the Insurance Company

When faced with water damage in your home, one of the first things you should do is contact your homeowner’s insurance company. Reporting the damage to your insurance provider is essential for starting the claims process and getting the assistance you need to recover from the incident.

Homeowner’s insurance policies typically cover different types of water damage, such as burst pipes, appliance leaks, or plumbing issues. Reviewing your policy to understand what is covered and any specific requirements for filing a claim is important.

When contacting your insurance company, be prepared to provide them with detailed documentation of the damage. This can include photographs, videos, or written descriptions of the affected areas and any items that have been damaged. Having clear and comprehensive documentation will help the insurance adjuster assess the extent of the damage and determine the appropriate coverage for your claim.

Remember to keep records of all communication with your insurance company, including the date and time of each interaction, the names of the representatives you speak with, and any important information or instructions they provide. This will help ensure a smooth and efficient claims process as you work towards restoring your home.

Water Removal and Drying

Once you have addressed the water source and contacted your insurance company, it’s important to focus on removing wet items and starting the drying process. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Remove wet items: Begin by removing any items affected by the water. This includes furniture, rugs, clothes, and other belongings. Take caution when handling wet items as they can be heavy and may also contain contaminants.
  2. Identify salvageable items: As you remove wet items, assess which ones can be salvaged. Some items may be able to be dried and cleaned, while others may need to be discarded due to extensive damage or contamination.
  3. Start the drying process: Open windows and doors to promote airflow and ventilation. Additionally, utilize fans and dehumidifiers to expedite the drying process. Position fans to blow air directly onto wet surfaces and use dehumidifiers to reduce moisture in the air.

By removing wet items and implementing proper drying techniques, you can minimize the risk of mold growth and further damage. It’s important to act quickly as mold can begin to develop within 24 to 48 hours in a moist environment.

Remember to wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and masks, when handling wet items to protect yourself from potential hazards. If you’re unsure about the extent of the damage or need assistance, consider contacting a water damage restoration professional who can provide expertise and guidance throughout the process.

Restoration and Prevention

As you reach the final stages of water damage recovery, it may be necessary to seek the assistance of a water restoration professional in Chicago, like Clean USA. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized equipment to efficiently restore the affected areas of your home. They will assess the extent of the damage and develop a comprehensive plan to restore and rebuild, ensuring that your property is returned to its pre-damaged state. They also provide water damage restoration in Aurora, IL, and water damage cleanup in Naperville, IL

In addition to water restoration professionals, involving a mold specialist in the process is crucial. Excess moisture can lead to the growth of mold, which can cause significant health issues and further damage to your home. A mold specialist will conduct thorough inspections, identify any existing mold growth, and implement effective remediation strategies to ensure that your home is safe and free from mold.

During the restoration phase, cleaning and sanitizing are essential to eliminate any remaining contaminants and restore a healthy living environment. Professional teams will use industry-approved cleaning agents and techniques to thoroughly clean and sanitize every surface, ensuring your home is safe for you and your family.

Finally, to prevent future water damage, it is important to address any necessary repairs or renovations. This may involve improving drainage systems, repairing faulty appliances or plumbing, and conducting regular inspections to identify potential issues before they escalate. By taking proactive measures and implementing preventive strategies, you can safeguard your property against future water damage and ensure its long-term integrity.


How do you recover from water damage?

To recover from water damage, you should take immediate action to mitigate further damage and begin the recovery process. This includes locating the source of the water, turning off the power, and contacting your insurance company.

What is the first step in recovering from water damage?

The first step is locating the source of the water. This could be a broken pipe, foundation cracks, or a sewer backup. Understanding where the water is coming from will determine the necessary steps for cleanup and restoration.

Why is it important to turn off the power after water damage?

Turning off the power is crucial for safety to prevent electrical hazards. If the circuit panel is in the affected area, it is recommended that you contact your utility company for assistance. An electrician should inspect the wiring and damaged appliances before restoring power.

Should I contact my insurance company after water damage?

Yes, it is important to contact your homeowner’s insurance company to report the water damage. While flood insurance may not cover natural events like hurricanes, you may be covered for other types of water damage. Documenting the damage will assist the insurance adjuster in the claims process.

How can I remove water and start the drying process?

Remove wet items as quickly as possible and use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to expedite the drying process. Salvageable items should be removed, while carpet and other porous materials may need to be discarded to prevent mold growth. Clean USA offers carpet cleaning in Chicago after cleaning up water damage as well. 

When should I enlist the help of water restoration professionals?

If the water damage is extensive or if there is a risk of mold growth, it may be necessary to enlist the help of water restoration professionals and mold specialists. They have the expertise and equipment to restore the affected areas efficiently.

What should be done after the space is cleaned and sanitized?

After cleaning and sanitizing, address any necessary repairs or renovations to prevent future water damage. This could include improving drainage, repairing faulty appliances or plumbing, and conducting regular inspections to ensure the integrity of your home.

The Path to Abundance: Embracing Emotional Health with Abundance Life Coaching

In a fast-paced and demanding world, emotional well-being often takes a back seat to other pressing concerns. However, what if I told you that emotional health is the hidden key to unlocking a life of abundance and fulfillment? This is precisely the foundation upon which Abundance Life Coaching, a transformative program developed by Jimmy and Sarah LaRowe, is built.

Abundance Life Coaching takes a holistic approach to well-being, recognizing that emotional health is a crucial pillar upon which the rest of our lives stand. It’s not just about finding ways to manage emotions but also about understanding their profound influence on every aspect of our existence, be it physical, spiritual, mental, or emotional.

At the core of the program lies the Emotional Entrance Interview, a powerful platform that helps individuals identify and comprehend their feelings. It acts as a mirror reflecting our emotional states, uncovering how we give and receive love, and shedding light on past traumas that may have shaped our emotional landscapes. Through this process, Abundance Life Coaching experts help clients reframe their narratives and gain awareness of the pivotal role emotions play in their lives.

One of the primary objectives of the program is to encourage clients to embrace their emotions fully. Numbing ourselves to feelings might seem like a temporary solution to pain, but in reality, it stunts our personal growth and prevents us from living life to the fullest. The Emotional Entrance Interview aims to reignite emotional responsiveness, guiding clients to recognize the significance of their emotional home – the metaphorical place where our emotional state resides, directly influencing the quality of our lives.

Yet, Abundance Life Coaching is not solely about individual emotional growth; it extends its reach to enrich interpersonal relationships. The program’s two-pronged approach to emotional intelligence focuses on personal and social competence. Clients are empowered to explore their own motives and given the tools to effectively express their feelings and needs to others.

This journey is a collaborative effort. Abundance Life Coaching serves as a supportive sounding board, allowing clients to process their emotions and break free from old patterns. The program offers a plethora of tools and strategies designed to alleviate emotional baggage, empowering clients to determine the emotional weights they carry and how long they choose to hold onto them. By using “The Weight We Carry Analogy,” clients are guided through an analytical approach to evaluate their emotional burdens and release what no longer serves them.

A core principle of the program is meeting clients where they are emotionally. Through personalized strategies, Abundance Life Coaching helps clients manage their emotions and overcome destructive patterns. In an environment free from judgment, coaches act as empathetic guides, supporting clients on their journeys to understand and express their emotions better.

Moreover, the program equips clients with the ability to identify emotional triggers and develop effective coping mechanisms to handle stress and conflict. By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, clients learn to channel stress and pain into constructive communication, replacing impulsive reactions with thoughtful responses. This approach fosters an understanding of the role emotions play in decision-making and emphasizes the need for proactive emotional well-being.

By harnessing the power of emotions as guiding forces that shape actions, decisions, and relationships, the Abundance Life Coaching Program empowers clients to unlock the potential of their own emotions and cultivate emotional fitness. Through this individualized approach, clients regain emotional responsiveness, enriching the quality of their lives, and building resilience.

If you’re searching for balance, purpose, and fulfillment in every facet of your life, your transformation begins with the Abundance Life Coaching Program. Take the leap towards emotional awareness and understanding, and open the door to a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment. Embrace the power of your emotions and watch as the world aligns to your newfound resilience and emotional well-being. Abundance Life Coaching holds the key to unlock your potential for greatness, get ready to channel your emotional health as you run your emotions instead of your emotions running you! 

The Secret of the Light: A conversation with Rabbi Daniel Cohen.

Rabbi Daniel Cohen is a popular motivator, mentor, and inspirational speaker and has served in the rabbinate for over thirty years. He currently serves as senior Rabbi at Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford, Connecticut, the largest modern orthodox synagogue in New England. 

As we move into the holiday season, now is the time to reach higher in our lives and embrace what really matters and is meaningful. 

Jason Robinson: Rabbi Cohen, how do we access real light in our lives? 

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Well, let me ask you a question first. What if we could feel and see the divine right here in our midst? How would we treat one another? How would we speak to one another? What if we act like that right now. Let’s treat one another that way right now. Let’s treat everyone we come across as if they matter. As if every moment matters. Because every moment does matter. 

Jason Robinson: Rabbi Cohen, you have a brand new book out called The Secret of the Light. Can you share with us what this book is about and why you decided to write it?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Thank you so much for asking. I am speaking to you from the spiritual center of the universe, Jerusalem. It is the bridge between Heaven and Earth and a symbol that God is everywhere if we let Him in.

The Secret of the Light is a true story that happened to me a number of years ago. I met with a mystic in Jerusalem who gave me the answer to the question, “How do we access the divine?” He opened up my eyes to an ancient roadmap for living – The Secret of the Light and, in particular, the power of Psalms. I will never forget his words to me. King David experienced the peaks and valleys of life but never lost faith in knowing that God may be hidden, but he is ever present in the world. That is as true today as it was then. We simply need to know this and call upon it.

You see, every one of us can tap into this secret and reveal the Divine light even in the darkest of times and places. The Secret of the Light will show you how to access that light. It is a book of hope, love, and courage.

Jason Robinson: What must we do first to understand and live the secret?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The key or the secret is to see the face of God in every human being and anticipate opportunities for eternal impact every single day. In a world filled with despair and darkness, the Secret ignites hope and light. If we lived The Secret of the Light, the world would be an infinitely brighter place, but it takes each of us to practice this.

Jason Robinson: Can you share with us a little more about the story in the book?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Yes, I would be happy to. One of the common elements for each of us as we live life on Earth is the experience of loss. In the face of tragedy and torn between the pressure of his father and the temptations of a mysterious woman, Caleb Uriel is unanchored and lost. Caleb is a budding young lawyer and observant Jew in the 1980s in New York City who struggles with his faith and direction in life. The sudden death of his mother awakens an inner earthquake and reveals the fragile nature of his beliefs.

A chance meeting with a street sweeper and hidden mystic named Elijah in Times Square, though, proves to be the spark to set him on a path for personal discovery and renewal. Elijah reveals to Caleb the existence of an ancient document, The Secret of the Light, whose substance and relevance can only be discovered through a journey to Israel and the power of Caleb’s choices.

Through the halls of a high-powered New York Law Firm, the cobble stones street of Safed and much more, Caleb learns, as do we, the timeless principles of the light and how we all possess the power to reignite our inner light and share it with the world. He discovers an ancient and timeless road map to restore his faith and ours in God, ourselves and humanity and that no time, person or place is devoid of God’s light.

This is the thing to remember: We are all on a journey. The Light is truly everywhere, and The Secret of the Light can help us to see it, and to reveal it. I cannot reveal the light on my own; we all need to reveal it. The World needs your light now more than ever, so I invite you to join me on this journey. 

Jason Robinson: What is this Light Brigade that you speak of? 

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Light Brigade is the name given to those who feel motivated to spread and reveal the Divine light everywhere. The book contains the principles of the secret. One of its foundational principles is that no human being possesses the exact same set of gifts, experiences and opportunities to reveal the light. As such, to make the world a brighter place full of love and hope, we all have a role to play. 

Jason Robinson: How does The Secret of the Light address grief and loss? I know the main character, Caleb, experiences a tragic loss. How does his story guide us?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: One common experience we all have is the loss of loved ones. First losses might include grandparents, a beloved pet, and other relatives. No one lives without a brush with mortality and the fragility of life. Yet, Caleb learns that the soul lives on and it is possible to feel your loved ones presence always as Caleb does with his mother. The Secret offers comfort and strength.  

Jason Robinson: The holidays are a time when people feel the loss of loved ones who are no longer at family celebrations. How does the Secret offer wisdom to transcend sadness?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Caleb learns that we all have a choice – We can lament the darkness or increase the light. This message is a reminder not to be overwhelmed with grief but harness the memories of loved ones to increase that person’s light in the world. When we do that, our loved ones will live in us and through us always. 

Jason Robinson: Why is the message of The Secret of the Light important for our society right now?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: In a world moving too fast, the Secret inspires you to slow down time and create eternal memories. In a world of divisions and demonizations, the Secret awakens you to see the face of God in every human being. In a world filled with darkness and despair, the Secret serves as a beacon for humanity to live life with joy, kindness, courage, and hope. If we lived the Secret of the Light, the world would be an infinitely brighter place. 

Jason Robinson: Do you have any final thoughts?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen: The Secret of the Light is meant to help us live in the light that is here and all around us. You simply have to tap into it. Read the story of Caleb and it will inspire you to see God in the darkest of places and spread the light all over the universe. 

About Rabbi Daniel Cohen: 

Popular motivator, mentor, and inspirational speaker, Rabbi Daniel Cohen’s unique blend of authenticity, humor, wisdom, and insight helps anyone better navigate contemporary society and lead a life of legacy. Rabbi Cohen has served in the rabbinate for over thirty years and speaks nationally on leading a life of legacy and is currently working on another book with former NBA All-Star and Olympic Gold medalist Allan Houston on their shared faith and its benefits for leading a meaningful life. He is co-host with Reverend Greg Doll of the nationally syndicated Radio Show, The Rabbi and the Reverend. Rabbi Cohen is the author of The Secret of the Light and What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of Legacy


To see more of Rabbi Daniel Cohen’s work, visit his website and Amazon page here.

Breaking out of self-destructive habits is never easy; life coach Rosetta Qadhi on loving yourself again

Since the beginning of time, humans have been shattering the glass ceiling with their potential and confidence. From dreaming to flying to creating airplanes, there is no doubt we all are limitless. We describe our true worth with our ability to imagine. There is nothing humans cannot achieve if they put their heart and mind into it. These are ideologies that have created and polished many great people throughout time. Such thoughts helped people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, and Mary Barra imprint their names on the hall of fame. They all can claim the title of “Veni, Vidi, Vici.” Among these incredible people lies someone with a golden heart, the Rosetta Qadhi.


Rosetta Qadhi is the President and CEO of Think & Grow Rich Caribbean, a successful businesswoman, and entrepreneur. She was born and reared in Jamaica and grew up in poverty. Even though she was born in an underdeveloped country with limited opportunities, she never doubted her hard work. From a very young age, she realized the reality of life and understood only she could bring change in her life. Rosetta pushed the bar with Think and Grow Rich Caribbean Institute, while others dreamed she made them a reality. She attributes her success to Napoleon Hill’s teachings, which have changed her life, and she hopes to do the same for all of us.


Rosetta Qadhi always believes in helping others to achieve greatness. She understands how difficult it could be for anyone to break out of their destructive habit cycle. She knows how hard it could be for someone to quit smoking, gambling, or addiction to alcohol. How difficult it could be to focus on a career and be confident in your decisions. She knows how important it is for all of us to replace the negative voices in our heads that tell us, “It is too much for us” or “We can’t do it,” with motivating and cheerful screams. 


Every year, several people around us attempt suicide after giving up hope and losing everything. Hope is an essential part of our life, and it can strengthen us to move mountains or reach out to the stars. There is no shame in admitting your mistake and feeling a little down. During such phases in life, people like Rosetta Qadhi came down as a helping hand from god. Understanding how everyone carries different weights on their back and each individual requires special attention is what makes her the best at what she does. Her unique life experiences have made her mentally impenetrable, and she can see the hidden talent and suppress potential in you when no one can.  


Self-destructive habits can only be powerful if we allow them to be. There is no habit too strong that can stop you from quitting. If you are struggling with any self-destructive habits mentioned below, there is no need to worry.  


  • Attempting suicide.
  • Binge eating.
  • Compulsive activities like gambling, gaming, or shopping.
  • Impulsive and risky sexual behavior.
  • Overusing alcohol and drugs.
  • Self-injury, such as cutting, hair pulling, burning.
  • Being self-derogatory, insisting you’re not intelligent, capable, or attractive enough.
  • Changing yourself to please others.
  • Clinging to someone who is not interested in you.
  • Engaging in alienating or aggressive behavior that pushes people away.
  • Maladaptive behaviors, such as chronic avoidance, procrastination, and passive-aggressiveness.
  • Wallowing in self-pity.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Childhood trauma, neglect, or abandonment.
  • Emotional or physical abuse.
  • Friends who self-injure.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Social isolation, exclusion.


Such habits can cause some of the deadliest and most harmful mental disabilities, and all such issues need to be addressed with top priority. With the proper guidance and help, you can be free as a bird. The day you decide to set yourself free and break open, this virtual cage won’t stand a chance and won’t be able to hold your shine and glowing personality. You will realize the cell you think you are trapped in, or the hole you feel is sinking you in, lies just in your thoughts. You will find the confidence you always lack.


According to research, you can quit every bad habit and break all the walls that stop you from evolving into the best version of yourself in just four steps. 


Step 1: Acknowledging the issue. 

You cannot fight the enemies until you admit their existence. The first step toward a better life is to accept that you have a bad habit, addiction, or self-destructive actions. Acknowledging your enemies clears your thoughts from any surprise, and it puts you on the right track in your life as you can know who to defeat.


Step 2: Change your environment. 

It can be seen as a cliché step, but changing your environment and adding new, more productive, and positive people in your life can help you get over any impossible obstacle. Our subconscious mind learns and adapts many things from our surroundings, impacting our overall personality. Having a good crowd around you can benefit you in thousands of ways.


Step 3: Remind yourself the reason for achieving greatness.

Many of us realize our true worth, but procrastination and fears stop us from accomplishing such goals. A constant reminder can help you maintain your motivational level and uplift your confidence.


Step 4: Maintain your success.

Many of us climb up to the top and claim our throw easily, but most of us lack the consistency of living like a champion. We must not see this phase as a one-time deal; instead, we should be able to adapt it like a lifestyle and carry it with us till our last breath.

Everyone in this world deserves a second chance in life, even you. No matter what situations and demons you face in life, you can overcome anything with a bit of help. We live in a polarized society, with people having more poisonous tongues than a snake. In such an era, people like Rosetta Qadhi are a true blessing. They know the true happiness of helping others. Their life coaching has helped millions worldwide to accomplish all of their dreams and encouraged them toward self-love.

Memphis Business Journal’s Executive of the Year Henry E. Reaves III Shares Advocacy of Defending the Oppressed

Because of Henry’s impeccable leadership skills, passion, and commitment to his cause, he recently won Executive of the Year at this year’s iteration of Memphis Business Journal’s Annual Small Business Awards. The prestigious event honored the city’s most distinguished business entrepreneurs and visionaries for their outstanding contributions to society. Even though the founder could not attend the event, Chief Operating Officer Ted Cummins was joined onstage by several other Reaves Law Firm employees to accept the award.

Aside from this, Henry has received other accolades and titles, such as the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and the Air Force Achievement Medal, both of which were awarded during his military service. In addition, he was recognized for his exceptional efforts toward Operation Enduring Freedom.

What pushed Henry to become an advocate for the oppressed and abused is his firsthand experience with defending bigwigs. Right after graduating from Indiana University School of Law, he worked for a firm that defended insurance companies and corporations. However, witnessing how these influential players strongarm ordinary people to follow their whims left many negative emotions on the principled man.

“Basically, what I was doing was keeping hurt people from getting paid, and I had conflicts with that. It didn’t sit well with me,” he explained. Given this, the visionary has decided to start his own practice. Using the knowledge he acquired from his first job, Henry is now on the other side of the fence, defending the rights of the common people. “It helps me because I got to see the other side. I know their tactics and how they look at cases and evaluate cases. Just being on that side, living it and walking it, was priceless,” he shared.

Now, Reaves Law Firm is one of the fastest-growing mid-sized law firms in the Southeast region. It caters to a broad area, including Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Aside from its impressive track record, what allowed the venture to achieve massive success is its unwavering dedication to its goal. As Henry meaningfully declared, “We want to be loved by our clients, we want to be respected by our peers, and we want to be feared by our opposition.”

Shawn Michael Fair Making Sure Independent Contractors Have their Finances Sorted out For Life

Never having to worry about money or finances is everyone’s goal, regardless of what they do. Unfortunately, one category of the labor force that barely has finances figured out is the independent contractor category, primarily because they have to handle everything all by themselves, in contrast to many blue-collar employees or workers in organized employment who often have insurance, pension and other perks. Finance professional and mentor Shawn Fair is committed to ensuring independent contractors that they never have to worry about their financial situations again.

Understanding the challenges of retirement or being out of work, Shawn Michael Fair set out to help as many people as possible fix the financial aspect of their lives to enable them to lead better lives. Being a leadership coach, mentorship expert and finance professional has brought him in close contact with thousands of people and has opened his eyes to their realities. Because of this, he understands what kind of help many people need. In his capacity as an agent with New York Life Insurance Company and a registered representative with NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC), a licensed insurance agency, he has achieved immense success since he joined in 2021.

Shawn Michael Fair’s role as a Series 7 and Series 63 license holder positions him to help individuals create financial strategies that work. He believes that people should put their money to work rather than just leave it sitting in the bank. He shows his clients what they can do with their money and recommends financial vehicles he knows will align with their best interests. “I have a strong desire to help people manifest their dreams by discovering their own resourcefulness. I’ve seen too many people use cookie-cutter molds for life, pursuing wealth, thinking that they will find life in wealth. I want to help individuals see that they each desire to live their lives uniquely and that they can create a financial plan and align their resources with the lives they want to live, not the ones that get advertised on popular tv channels and movies,” Shawn explained.

Shawn Fair is well-qualified to help people in the areas he has chosen. He has life and health insurance licenses and is licensed to practice in Michigan and Illinois. He is currently taking an MBA program at Cornerstone University to beef up his other degrees from University Liggett School in Grosse PointeWoods, MI (2014) and Kalamazoo College in Kalamazoo, MI (2019). His goal is to see everyone in business have assurances that their financial future is secure.

With a specific focus on self-employed individuals, business owners, contractors, entrepreneurs and their families, Shawn Michael Fair’s goal for the next few years is to set them on a path that empowers them to live their dream lives. “I want to see them open that bakery, clothing store, private practice, or restaurant that they’ve always dreamed of because if they do what they love, they’ll love what they do, and love makes the world go round,” he said.