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Behavioral neuroscience: Expert explains how to achieve quality of life by fighting bad habits

Behavioral neuroscience
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Behavioral neuroscience is an area of study that examines the interaction between the brain, behavior, and emotions. Experts in this field seek to understand how the brain influences our emotional actions and reactions and how this can be modified through behavioral and psychological interventions.

All in all, brain training is an excellent way to increase emotional intelligence and the ability to make better decisions. Specialists in behavioral neuroscience are capable of assisting in this process, helping to understand how the brain works and how you can use it to your advantage.

Through brain training, it is possible to improve one’s understanding of how this powerful human organ works and acquire greater control over emotions. The brain control means quality of life, health, prosperity at work, career. Brain training aims to combat bad habits that exist due to brain patterns that have been created. All these patterns can be broken, and everyone can get transformative results through small activities easily made by everyone” said André Buric, the specialist in behavioral neuroscience and founder of ”BrainPower”, Latin America’s biggest brain academy.

In society, many uncomfortable situations happen because many people are already in the cycle of inappropriate behavior and end up acting in a way that bothers other people, causing friction. “If you’ve trained your brain to explode with anger when your expectations are broken, maybe you don’t even imagine that some people take advantage of that same anger to achieve even better results than the expectations they had” explained Buric.

According to the expert, mental health is linked to brain patterns, and it is possible to avoid many bad behaviors based on a better knowledge of brain functions: “It is very significant how much mental health affects people’s quality of life.” There are numerous factors that lead to a mental illness; it is never caused by a single factor in isolation. But when a person cultivates harmful patterns, he will feel that he is losing control, and that’s something our brain doesn’t like. When we feel that we are vulnerable and that we have no control, our reactions are not the best. Controlling the world is something we will never be able to do, so it is essential that we know ourselves and how our brain works. Notice how, in any situation, there are people who are very vulnerable and others who manage to maintain a little more self-control. These people have a greater foundation and greater self-knowledge. This was even more evident during the pandemic, when we saw a significant increase in depression, fear, and anxiety. Unforeseen events can always occur, and we have no idea of their size or proportion. But, on the other hand, we can always get to know each other and strengthen ourselves,” concluded the specialist.

Behavioral neuroscience has shown promising results in the field of mental health. It has been discovered that the brain’s ability to change and adapt, known as neuroplasticity, is not limited to childhood development but can be harnessed throughout one’s lifetime. The process of brain training has been found to help with various mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and addiction. In a world where mental health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent, the importance of behavioral neuroscience cannot be overstated.

In addition to improving mental health, the benefits of brain training extend to other areas of life, such as education and career development. By understanding how the brain works and how to optimize its potential, individuals can improve their cognitive abilities and increase their capacity for learning. This has particular relevance in today’s fast-paced, knowledge-based economy, where continual learning and development are essential for career success. In short, behavioral neuroscience offers a new way of looking at the brain, one that provides insights into how we can optimize our mental and emotional abilities to lead more fulfilling lives.


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