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Joshua Valentin on What It Takes to Beat the Odds and Become Successful

Dedicated photographer and videographer Joshua Valentin is one of the most promising personalities in the industry today as he hustles to become a remarkable filmmaker. His deep love for the arts springs from his family of Puerto Rican origin, his source of overwhelming support and inspiration. Today, he is showing the world that despite the discrimination and bullying he has experienced on countless occasions, a person like him does not back down easily and that beating the odds necessitates grit, determination, and persistence. 

From the very beginning, Joshua Valentin was inspired to establish Valentine Studios by his father, who also owns his own business. Early on, he saw firsthand the many challenges and benefits that came with running his own business through his father’s work. Despite the common pitfalls of being a business owner, he also realized that the benefits far outweighed the problems. Determined to explore new possibilities, Valentine Studios became a reality. 

Joshua Valentin is a firm believer in the value of hard work and patience when it comes to pursuing success. What matters most to him is to achieve his goals steadily at a pace that will allow him to sharpen his photography and videography skills further by immersing himself in the kind of work that will expand his experience. Interestingly, he is not in a hurry to succeed. Instead, he wants to savor the whole process of getting there by learning new techniques and styles every day, making the right connections, and investing in the right equipment that will allow him to elevate his craft. When the time is right, he is confident that his success will be sweet and humbling, knowing that he did not cut corners and worked tirelessly to prove his worth in the industry. 

In the next few years, Joshua Valentin looks forward to doing extraordinary projects, even the ones he never deemed possible for someone of his humble beginnings. Dreaming big, however, is something he has always been good at, and making them happen is his greatest passion. He envisions himself working in top Hollywood films and collaborating with some of the industry’s biggest and most admirable names. He wishes to learn from them and combine their expertise with his skills so he can continue to build a respectable name in the business.

In the near future, he also sees himself directing music videos for big music artists and contributing to giving life to their vision. Ultimately, he wants to be instrumental in creating some of the most impressive and unforgettable video content of this generation and make them his legacy. He wishes to inspire young people to pursue their dreams early. If they are into directing, they ought to start where they are now and work their way to the top. When they hear about his life story, he hopes that they will see a committed artist who never gave up, someone who pressed on despite the odds so that he can make a difference in the world. 

Follow Joshua Valentin on Instagram to learn more about his projects and services. Connect with him on Linkedin and explore exciting possibilities with his team. 

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