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Harden Performance Boosts People to Achieve Fitness Goals Through Hands-on Approach

With more people using social media to get information, it’s difficult to distinguish between harmful and valuable content when so much is available online for consumption. Blood detoxing and taking pills with unfamiliar ingredients are two examples of recent health fads from Tiktok, one of the top social media networks. Everyone is looking for a quick fix to get fit or improve their health, failing to consider the long-term consequences and effects of these “quick fixes” on their body.

Harden Performance is a company focused on building personalized fitness and health plans for its clients. It believes that nutritional strategy, along with physical training and improving mental health, is the best approach to thrive in life. According to Ryan Harden, the founder and owner of Harden Performance, the objective is to help customers through a lifestyle change and not just a simple fitness goal. To achieve the best results for each client, they mentor them in correctly implementing tried-and-true movements, motivate them to practice consistency, and assess their routines and daily lives, including their stress levels and mental health. Ryan believes that the mind influences the body and hopes more people will pay attention to it.

Aside from the regular workout and meal plans, Harden Performance provides weekly mindset training through videos. These recorded training pieces give the clients insights into working through anxiety and guide them to examine their behavior toward their lifestyle change. Aware that stress, time management and personal problems can divert people’s attention away from their goals, Harden Performance keeps its customer’s best interests at heart.

“Some tips I would give is probably to find a workout buddy. Before you can build the habit, you may lose motivation. So, if you have a couple of friends who will keep you accountable if you can’t afford a personal trainer, that helps you get into the hang of things until you build it as a habit. And once you start, don’t stop. You may have days where you don’t feel like going and may not go that day but the next day. As long as you get moving, whatever exercise you’re doing, it’s better than not going,” said Ryan.

Ryan shared that his experience of working with various people and personality types helped him figure out what inspires them, identify their motivators, determine what to say and what not to say, and provide the insights they are looking for. This journey, together with his background as a licensed nutritionist, his degree in Dietetics, and his 10-year experience as a personal trainer and body-building competition coach, create the ideal combination to achieve what Harden Performance intends to provide its clients.

Harden Performance encourages people to take action if they want to achieve a different result than what they’re getting. Its clients benefit from a combination of physical activity, better nutrition, and a positive mindset. Furthermore, in a few months, everyone will be able to avail of the supplements launched under Harden Essentials, another brand by the visionary Ryan Harden, which will provide its future clients with high-end supplements tailored to them and their lifestyles.

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