The Chicago Journal

Fitore Nutrition Partners With Vitro Biopharma for All-Natural ASD Medication Spectrum +

Statistics reveal that one out of 68 Americans is born with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), surpassing the number of birth cases with childhood cancer, juvenile diabetes, and childhood AIDS combined. ASD is characterized as a group of brain development disorders that affect communication and social skills. But beyond its physical manifestations, ASD also takes an emotional toll on the patient and their families. For this reason, Fitore Nutrition, together with Vitro Biopharma, developed Spectrum +.

ASD is widely observed between the ages of one and two years old. Parents would observe the difference in developmental milestones between their children and others, such as in the difficulty of communicating or having repetitive behaviors. But some studies also reveal that autism can manifest later on in childhood, somewhere between the age of nine or ten. A former case shows how one healthy and active child suddenly became limp almost overnight because of undiagnosed/untreated ASD.

Spectrum + presents a unique formulation crafted to provide the nutrition proven to be lacking in autistic children. There is currently no known cure for ASD, but Fitore Nutrition and Vitro Biopharma aim to take the field of medicine one step ahead by aiding patients using natural ingredients. Spectrum + aims to help in neurological development and DNA repair, two crucial areas during the formative years of children with ASD. 

Spectrum + uses only the purest ingredients available, which are potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidants—no preservatives, no dairy, no artificial flavors, no nuts, and no GMOs. The revolutionary formula is safe for children of all ages, regardless of their diets and other medical sensitivities. Spectrum + targets to strengthen both the nervous and immune systems, areas that ASD impacts the most. 

ASD is said to be caused by various environmental reasons, besides genetic traits, such as when mothers are exposed to viral infections and harsh chemicals during pregnancy. Fitore Nutrition and Vitro Biopharma, through extensive research done by some of the most acclaimed doctors and scientists in the medical field, found that stem cell therapy can be helpful because of its ability to address inflammation. Hence, Spectrum + came into fruition and has become one of the leading choices for children with ASD today.

During the preliminary studies for Spectrum +, it has been revealed that the formulation left significant and beneficial effects on behavioral abnormalities commonly found in children with autism, such as hyperactivity, anxiety, and cognitive function. The formulation also normalized the central and peripheral immune alteration and oxidative stress markers. It also introduced new molecular mechanisms, paving the way for the expression of cortical gamma-aminobutyric acid neurons and specific types of miRNAs responsible for regulating spine growth. 

Fitore Nutrition has built long-standing credibility in the medical field. Besides Spectrum +, the company is also the creator of Through Calmer™, which promotes relaxation, reduces stress, improves a person’s mood, and reduces anxiety, safely and effectively. The company is also the maker of Easy Sleep™, an all-natural sleep aid formulation.

On the other hand, Vitro Biopharma has also helped in the advancement of medicine with its innovative formulations. The company is behind Fitore Stemulife™, a patent-pending, natural stem cell formulation that promotes optimal health for proper DNA repair. 

Together, Fitore Nutrition and Vitro Biopharma are advancing medicine with breakthrough formulas, and they both guarantee that Spectrum + is merely the beginning of many more collaborative efforts in the future.


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