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Author Cheryl Moy Outlines A Step-By-Step Process to Self-Development in Her Books The Origami Balloon and Love Thyself

There is no shortage of wellness and coaching gurus in the arena of self-help and self-development. What there is a shortage of, however, is the aspect of human connection. Many personal empowerment books or even courses are all about teaching their listeners and readers how to rise to success, power, fame, or wealth. But more important than that is the question of how we rise above ourselves. This internal conversation with the most intimate parts of our being is what the author of “The Origami Balloon” and “Love Thyself,” Cheryl Moy, hopes to guide her readers through.

Although Cheryl says she has always been more of a reader than a writer, she also shares that “it has always been her dream to help young adults find their way and their truth.” As she joined coaching programs herself, she felt many of them offered nothing but a one-size-fits-all approach to healing. “I wasn’t learning anything because I was feeling the disconnect,” she confessed. And since the robotic one-stop fixes were far from able to help her in her healing journey, Cheryl set out on her own course towards self-betterment. With the goal of inspiring those who felt the same as her and wanted to follow suit, she drew up the stories of her voyage and published them as a book.

While her debut book, “The Origami Balloon,” is filled with anecdotes that aim to connect Cheryl to her readers, her second book, “Love Thyself,” is a collection of practices of self-love that she used in her childhood. “With those practices, I am leading the life I desire,” Cheryl says. Her upcoming 2023 coaching program alone is set to help people discover that “the scars from the past never have room to define us unless we give it space.” She hopes her books can be used as supplementary guides in her programs as she explains that they serve as a workbook, “a platform that will enhance the healing experience,” which allows readers to follow step-by-step directions in addition to the one-on-one sessions with her.

Those who are lost, scared of starting over, or simply have no idea where to even begin will find solace in the safe space that Cheryl has created. From the snippets of wisdom in her book and the guidance her coaching sessions provide, they can find a guiding light. Likewise, those looking for answers towards healing and self-acceptance walk next to her in their journey to unleashing their full potential. Because, in her own words, “we are powerful when we truly love ourselves for who we are.”

Even when she knows most people seeking guidance are young adults looking to find themselves, Cheryl also keeps an open palm for any person wanting to reach out for help. She reiterates that her work and coaching services are for men and women alike and just about anyone who “would like to find a piece of themselves that they knew they had, but were too scared to search for it.” After all, there is no such thing as ‘too late’ when it comes to figuring out who you are.​​


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