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Achieving Health and Wellness on a Plant-Based Diet with Emmie Keefe

In a world where it has become easier to access valuable information on health and nutrition, more people want to know what to do to improve their health and reach an ideal weight. Emmie Keefe, a health coach who believes in the power of following a plant-based diet, works hard to help her clients improve their health and wellness by taking the right approach. 

While initially working as a teacher with a passion for helping others, Emmie started posting content on YouTube. She’d regularly discuss her plant-based journey, offering tips, pointers, and advice to those who wanted to make the switch from consuming meat and dairy to following a diet consisting solely of plant-based foods. While Emmie enjoyed uploading content as a hobby and looked forward to comments from her viewers, she never knew that her content would blow up in such a positive way. However, she now receives millions of views on her YouTube channel, with thousands of people reaching out to her for help with their fitness journey.

“I didn’t expect to make a career out of health and wellness, but it happened. While uploading videos on YouTube in my spare time, I eventually started to grow a following consisting of many loyal people who enjoy viewing my content,” shared Keefe. “Because of the success of my channel and the pure passion I have for living a plant-based lifestyle, I decided to quit my teaching job and start my health coaching business. I didn’t have business knowledge when I started, but I knew this was the right opportunity for me. I love helping other people change their lives!”

As the founder of Healthy Emmie and the Slim on Starch Plant-Based Weight Loss Program, Emmie Keefe changes lives one person at a time. She has even helped her parents on their weight loss journeys. “My father was initially labeled as obese. However, I worked with him and provided the coaching he needed to eventually lose 60 pounds, get in shape, and become the healthiest version of himself. I’m now sharing my journey of helping my mom on her journey to losing weight and lowering her cholesterol,” said Keefe. “When people see that I’m helping my family lose weight and become healthy, they realize that I’m not pushing some sort of fad diet or fake fitness plan that isn’t effective. As a result, my clients can achieve amazing results when they work with me!”

While Emmie Keefe didn’t realize she’d become a health coach years ago when she initially got into teaching, she now knows that the drastic career change was meant to be. In addition to helping the clients who trust her support and guidance, she continues uploading valuable content to social media, including the YouTube channel that led to her career switch. She hopes that her content will help to inspire other people to start their health and fitness journeys.

Learn more about Emmie Keefe, her incredible company, and the steps she takes to help others make the switch to a plant-based lifestyle by following her on Instagram.

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