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20 Azerbaijani Achievers Earn Certificates from the University of Michigan

Photo Credited to: Public Support Agency

The concluding session of the project titled “Fake Off: Advancing Media Skills” recently took place, organized by the Public Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, with financial support from the Innovations in Support of Public Initiatives Association. The project involved social media experts, bloggers, activists, and community members who gathered to discuss and enhance their skills in combating fake news and promoting media literacy.

The event began with an opening statement by Abbas Panahov, the coordinator of the Innovations in Support of Public Initiatives Association. Panahov emphasized the importance of addressing security issues related to fake news on social media platforms and provided a brief overview of the upcoming training sessions.

The training sessions were conducted by Orkhan Rzayev, the CEO of Mediamark Digital, a prominent digital marketing company. Rzayev delved into the realm of digital marketing and the challenges posed by fake news. Participants were treated to an extensive and insightful training session that explored various strategies to combat misinformation and promote responsible social media usage.

One of the key highlights of the project was the collaboration with, a renowned online education platform. Through this partnership, 20 active participants successfully completed an online course offered by the University of Michigan, earning valuable certificates in the process. This achievement not only enriched their knowledge but also added credibility to their profiles as individuals committed to media literacy and responsible social media practices.

The “Fake Off” project aimed to address the growing concern of misinformation and fake news on social media platforms, which have become potent tools for disseminating false information. In an era where information spreads rapidly and effortlessly, the need for media literacy and critical thinking skills has never been more crucial. Here are some of the key takeaways from the project’s conclusion:

  1. Understanding the Impact of Fake News: Participants gained insights into how fake news can influence public opinion, fuel misinformation, and even incite social unrest. Recognizing the potential harm caused by false information was a crucial step in the training.
  1. Fact-Checking Techniques: The project equipped participants with the necessary tools to identify and verify the accuracy of information. Fact-checking techniques, credible sources, and online resources for verifying news were explored extensively.
  2. Promoting Media Literacy: Media literacy was at the core of the project’s objectives. Participants learned how to critically assess information, discern credible sources from unreliable ones, and differentiate between opinions and facts.
  1. Ethical Social Media Use: Responsible social media usage was emphasized throughout the training. Participants were encouraged to be vigilant about the content they share and to refrain from spreading unverified information.
  2. Collaborative Learning: The collaboration with allowed participants to access high-quality educational resources and earn certificates, adding value to their profiles and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

The “Fake Off” project not only addressed the immediate issue of fake news but also fostered a community of informed and responsible social media users. It served as a testament to the power of collaboration between governmental agencies, NGOs, and private sector entities in tackling contemporary challenges.

In conclusion, the successful conclusion of the “Fake Off” project is a significant step towards promoting media literacy and combating misinformation in Baku, Azerbaijan. As social media continues to evolve, it is imperative that individuals and communities are equipped with the necessary skills to navigate this digital landscape responsibly. The knowledge and experiences gained through this project will undoubtedly contribute to a more informed and discerning society, better prepared to face the challenges of the digital age. The “Fake Off” project is trying to create a community of responsible social media users.


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