Unlock Your Inner Potential with Suspended Solutions’ Atomic Ormus

Suspended Solutions is a health and wellness brand specializing in providing holistic supplements nourishing the mind, body, and spirit. Their mission is to help people unlock their true potential by providing them with the best natural supplements available. The brand was founded in 2017 by two best friends, Gregory Harris and Jerome E Martin III. The idea for the brand came about when Martin stumbled upon Ormus while reading about ancient Egypt. He had stumbled on a youtube video of someone explaining its use and production and decided to cue Harris in. Harris, however, was reluctant to sell the product until he tried it himself. Once he did, he was sold. He immediately knew that more people needed this in their lives as a healthy alternative to coffee, energy drinks, and other stimulant-based products. So, the two friends discovered the powerful effects of Ormus and decided to share it with the world.

Ormus, also known as monoatomic gold, is a mineral supplement that has been used for centuries for its healing properties. Suspended Solutions‘ Atomic Ormus is a liquid form of Ormus that is believed to enhance many aspects of one’s life. Customers have reported improved sleep patterns, energy levels, pain relief, and spiritual growth. Both reiki healing, and strict quality control, ensures that customers receive the best product.

Suspended Solutions believes that true health and wellness can only be achieved by addressing the whole person, not just individual pieces. The brand wants to encourage people to try something new and unlock a better version of themselves. Their Ormus is a great place to start for anyone interested in spiritually-based activities such as yoga, meditation, and martial arts.

In early 2023, Martin decided to pursue other interests outside of the company, leaving Harris as the current owner and CEO. However, Martin still performs reiki on all of Suspended Solutions’ products and serves as an advisor to the company.

Suspended Solutions‘ website and social media accounts provide customers with a wealth of information about the brand and its products. However, what sets this brand apart is the passion and dedication of its founders. Harris and Martin’s friendship and shared passion for natural supplements has led to the creation of a brand that is changing people’s lives for the better.

Suspended Solutions is truly a brand committed to helping people unlock their full potential through natural supplements. The incredible reviews left by its customers is significant proof of the boost in the quality of life its product offers. Their Atomic Ormus is a great example of a product that can enhance many aspects of one’s life. With strict quality control and reiki healing, customers can be confident that they receive the best possible product. Harris and Martin’s story is a testament to the power of achieving anything you can put your mind to. Suspended Solutions is a brand worth checking out for anyone interested in health and wellness.