The Chicago Journal

Fitzgerald & Campbell APLC Senior Partner Gregory Fitzgerald Tackles Student Loan Lender Article

The financial situation of most Americans usually includes being saddled with crippling student loans. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, student loans in the United States have grown to approximately $1.76 trillion, and graduate students accrue roughly 50% of that amount. The issue runs deep, and it continues to affect millions of American citizens all across the nation. Fortunately, the famous “debtor protectors,” Greg Fitzgerald and William Campbell, have established the Fitzgerald & Campbell APLC law firm to help people eliminate their debt.

Fitzgerald & Campbell APLC is a law firm composed of skilled debt attorneys who will stop at nothing to help Americans who have been buried under debt. They provide financial advice and legal services to their clients, especially on issues involving loans and debts. The founding partners firmly believe that the student loan crisis needs to be addressed as soon as possible, which is why they have offered their services and resources to remedy the issue.

“The idea behind the establishment of the firm was primarily to help as many people as possible offset their student loans,” explained Fitzgerald. He observed that the main problem is not the unwillingness to pay back the debt but instead the misleading and confusing information by the lender as part of their tactics to make the borrower accrue more interest.

Recently, Gregory Fitzgerald took exception to an article published by SoFi entitled “Is There A Statute of Limitations on Debt?” Most people would agree that the simple answer is yes, because they assume the author is referring to lawsuits on debt and not the debt itself. “For example, as correctly pointed out in the article, the expiration of the statute of limitation does not mean you no longer ‘owe’ the debt. It merely means the debtor can not win a lawsuit brought by a creditor if the lawsuit is filed after the expiration of the time identified in the applicable SOL,” explained Fitzgerald.

Simply stated, lawsuits on some debts become “time-barred” based on the applicable state law. However, SoFi went too far and wrongly published the statement that “some debts, like student loans, are not subject to statutes of limitations,” which is obviously wrong as per Fitzgerald. “Private student loans ARE subject to an SOL. SoFi knows this because they deal exclusively in private loans. The fact that private student loans do have an SOL cannot be disputed. Again, SoFi knows this. Yet they went on to reiterate the fallacy three more times in the article,” exclaimed Fitzgerald. “That’s not a typo. That’s pushing a message. It is misinformation,” he added.

The article goes against the very foundations of the work that Fitzgerald & Campbell APLC are putting out to the world. It is spreading misinformation rather than providing proper education regarding debt and loans of any form. Especially in the sensitive topic of student loans, SoFi has made bold claims which happen to be untrue, and Gregory Fitzgerald took the time to question their statements and challenge their claims.

Without a doubt, Fitzgerald & Campbell APLC are standing at the front lines in the fight against debt of any form. In the years to come, they hope to continue to educate more and more people and guide them toward the right ways to manage their debt and discern valuable information that they might come across. For now, Gregory Fitzgerald has made his position clear and has put his foot down against the misinformation that seems to permeate American media today.

To know more about Fitzgerald & Campbell APLC, make sure to visit their official website.


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