The Chicago Journal

Anthony Harris Hosting Free Youth Football Camp

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Anthony Harris is continuing to impact lives wherever he goes. Most recently, he and his foundation revealed that they will be hosting a free youth football camp in Richmond, Virginia. 

The camp is currently listed to last for a few hours, with the current timeline having it kick off at 10 AM and wrap up around 2 PM. The date is set for July 7th, 2023 as well. Anybody that would like to go would have to be located in the Richmond area and would need to fit into the age requirement. The age range says that they will be welcoming children that span ages eight to 16. Register Now Here

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to be able to simply walk onto the field and start participating. This free youth camp does have a registration period that people will need to complete to let them know that you will be arriving. From the listings, they seem to be expecting at least 300 at-risk children in the Richmond area, though it definitely could wind up being more than they anticipate. On top of that, the Anthony Harris Foundation website states “Annually the foundation puts on two camps for boys and girls” which could mean that they are either separated into two different camps, or another youth camp can be on the horizon. 

Visit Anthony Harris Foundation’s Official Instagram (@anthony_harris_foundation)

As much as there’s a possibility that over 300 children show up, there is a limit on how many people will be able to come. The foundation posted about this free camp on their social media pages and stated, “Registration opens up June 20th and filled up quickly last year! Don’t miss out!” Clearly, there is a limit as to how many people can be let in, with the expectation around 300. The post also states that registration opens on June 20th, and there is a QR code included on the post which can take you straight to the form you need to fill out.  

Anthony Harris Hosting Free Youth Football Camp

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Across all social media posts, the foundations website, and from what Anthony Harris himself has said regarding this camp, it’s a labor of love to the community. Watching Harris take the time to visit his hometown and provide such a wonderful opportunity to so many children who might need it is unbelievably honorable. You’ll be able to catch up with the camp at River City Middle School, which is located at 6300 Hull Street Road. Of course, you will need to be registered and meet the age requirements to be able to participate. 

It was briefly touched upon earlier but this is an annual event. Harris has hosted this free youth camp in the past, including last year. If you happen to be busy throughout the registration period or on the date of the camp itself, don’t worry. There could be more spots open next year if Anthony returns to host this camp once more in what could be the same location. The same offer stands to those who might lose a spot due to registration filling up too quickly. 

Register Here & Get Free Lunch Included 

Written By Chicago Journal X RB Agency


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