In 2019, 19-year-old man named Johnny Stack developed acute psychosis after years of consuming highly concentrated recreational THC. He became convinced that he was being followed and that his dorm room was bugged. Unfortunately, this caused him to leap from a six-story building to his death.
Just three days earlier, Johnny told his mother, Laura, “I need to tell you that you were right… Right about the marijuana. You told me weed would hurt my brain, and it’s ruined my mind and life. You were right all along. I’m sorry, and I love you.” He died just three days later.
As heartbreaking as Johnny’s story is, there’s been an increase in similar cases that have come to light. And they all involve recreational marijuana.
In fact, in 2022, a married couple named Meg and Scott noticed that their son Kyle was acting odd. He started showing signs of depression, irritability, and wanted to drop out of high school.
He began losing touch with reality and was convinced that his dad “ran the mafia” and was responsible for putting President Joe Biden in office. He also demanded $10 million from his parents.
Terrified and concerned for their son’s mental health, Meg and Scott checked Kyle into a psychiatric facility. Due to his disturbing behavior, they were confident that he was taking hardcore drugs. However, Kyle only tested positive for his Attention Deficit Disorder prescription and marijuana.
Thanks to his parents, Kyle is now on the road to recovery. However, his story, along with Johnny Stack and so many others, shows that there’s something severely wrong with the cannabis industry.
Recreational THC is far more powerful than a few decades ago
Laura Stack, the mother of Johnny Stack and the founder of Johnny’s Ambassadors, has become an advocate against marijuana abuse in Colorado. She stated, “When I speak at parent nights at schools, most adults still think it’s like the weed we smoked when we were teens in the ’80s, [which had] between 3 to 5% THC per gram of flower… We never had today’s high-potency concentrates, vapes or edibles.”
However, these days cultivators have developed breeding practices that allow them to grow marijuana plants with higher ratios of THC.
In fact, the strongest marijuana flower people can purchase from their local dispensary is one that contains 25% THC.
That said, the THC products that are the most popular are the ones that have been formulated using chemically stripped THC. Marijuana edibles and other THC concentrates, like THC dabs, wax, and vape pens often contain 90% pure THC or higher.
With this level of THC potency, it’s no wonder that experts have seen a rise in cannabis users experiencing psychosis, dependency, and other unwanted symptoms.
“We’re now counting 37 cannabis-related diagnoses a day… It’s been steadily increasing over the years. When I started in the 1990s, there was no such thing. Now I see 1 to 2 cases per shift. The most common symptom is psychosis,” according to Dr. Roneet Lev, emergency medicine and addiction specialist at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego.
People are consuming THC-dominant products at an alarming rate
Unfortunately, 57% of Americans are still under the impression that marijuana is non-habit forming and completely safe to consume. They believe that recreational THC can cure their sleepless nights, anxious thoughts, and aches and pains.
But with the potency of today’s recreational THC being off the charts, it’s become apparent that people are not only becoming dependent on this particular cannabinoid, but they’re suffering from severe adverse reactions as well.
According to Ben Cort, national alcohol and drug policy expert of the Center for Dependency, Addiction and Rehabilitation at the University of Colorado Hospital:
“THC is a more readily available drug, and the perception of harm is at the lowest point in recorded history. We treat more people for THC disorder than for opiate disorder right now… And the vast majority of them have THC-induced psychosis.”
One eye-opening study found that even moderate doses of pure THC can cause symptoms of psychosis—and that’s in a staggering “40% of people who lack a family history of psychosis.”
Other studies show that if you’ve ever suffered from a cannabis-induced psychotic break, and continue to consume THC thereafter, you have a 50% chance of developing permanent schizophrenia.
But what makes THC even more dangerous is that today’s THC concentrates are so highly potent that it makes it nearly impossible for people to quit.
And the worst part is, there’s currently no approved medical treatment to alleviate or reverse the harsh symptoms of THC intoxication. Instead, medical professionals must rely on sedatives that aren’t always effective, especially in severe cases.
However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Anebulo Pharmaceuticals is bringing awareness and an innovative solution for THC overdose and substance addiction
With more states legalizing the sale of highly concentrated THC products, Anebulo Pharmaceuticals has noted a medical need to create an antidote for cannabis intoxication.
It’s called ANEB-001. And it’s been clinically proven to slow down and obstruct cannabinoids such as THC from attaching to CB1 receptors—thus reversing and even preventing the unwanted symptoms of Acute Cannabinoid Intoxication (ACI).
According to Simon Allen, Chief Executive Officer of Anebulo:
“Access to cheaper and higher potency THC products will continue to increase the incidence and severity of emergency department visits related to cannabinoid intoxication.
With no FDA-approved therapy, individuals intoxicated with cannabinoids have few treatment options and may require expensive follow-on interventions for neuropsychiatric complications such as anxiety and acute psychosis.
ANEB-001 has the potential to mitigate these unfortunate circumstances and reduce their burden on individuals, society, and our healthcare system.”
As unregulated marijuana products continue to lead to more medical emergencies across America, Anebulo Pharmaceuticals will continue to raise awareness regarding the dangers surrounding these products.