The Chicago Journal

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Sarah Jones – Bringing marginalized communities to the attention of mainstream media

Mass media have a huge reach in society and play a pivotal role in making people learn about each other. Despite the growing world of the internet and evolving technologies in the media, some people are still marginalized, and they do not get sufficient media attention to have their problems addressed. Journalists that cover underrepresented areas sometimes characterize their job in terms of a moral imperative that requires them to focus on long-term social challenges rather than impartiality or objectivity. The objective of journalism has never been simply to recite events in the manner of a scribe or to synthesize knowledge. Instead, the purpose of journalism in society — and the primary justification for preserving and protecting it — is to serve the public interest, which is consistent with the country’s objective of dignity for all.

Journalists play an essential role in bringing marginalized communities to the attention of mainstream media through their investments in journalism. Sarah Jones is the latest example of such a journalist who has dedicated her life to journalism and is the voice of the voiceless. As a journalist, Jones’ reports focus on underreported news. She is the essential mind behind launching a program called “Seen and Heard,” a current affairs and cultural show that focuses equally on communities normally overlooked in mainstream media.

Journalism does not seek truth in an absolute or philosophical sense but rather in a more practical one. Journalists are supposed to be as transparent as possible about sources and approaches so audiences can assess the information. Jones, as a journalist, relies on bringing accurate news to the audience and is a focused and driven journalist. Since every story has two sides, Jones looks for different angles of each story and how to best convey it to the audience. She has a significant talent for storytelling that focuses on all aspects: memorable visuals, attention-grabbing words, and the ability to tie it all together in such a way that viewers are drawn into the story.

Jones has long criticized mainstream media for emphasizing narratives above objective journalism. She covers issues that the mainstream media frequently overlooks, even when there is still a lot of material to cover. She rises to the occasion, presenting informative report after informative report. Jones aims to make a more informed public. She founded the “Seen and Heard” initiative to bring underreported stories to the attention of mainstream media. The program’s goal was to give equal exposure to populations who have been marginalized in mainstream media. Jones’ talent and vision are essential for the voiceless to be heard. She received much help and raised $8,000 in less than two months through to fund the program’s pilot.

Jones has written a book that may be used to talk meaningfully with children about conflicts. Jones was nominated and attended the National Security Seminar at the Army War College’s request. Her work, “A Kids Book About War,” is a unique approach to a complicated issue with a simple concept. Her book has been a valuable resource for first graders in having a wonderful dialogue about current events, their thoughts, and their opinions on many topics, and it helps them feel heard.

Jones has filmed, edited, produced, and written her news pieces for mainstream media for years. Her stories have the power to reach out to a big audience and capture their interest. Her work has consistently stood out at every previous organization for which she has worked. Jones’s commitment to getting to the heart of the matter has distinguished her. She takes her profession seriously and works hard to ensure that the facts are correct and devoid of any disagreement. Her work is always well-written, extensively researched, and well-prepared.

When working as an assistant news editor for Al Jazeera America in New York, she was one of her division’s most efficient and detail-oriented staffers. Jones has previously held similar standards at BBC World Services in England, CNN, TRT in Istanbul, Turkey, and NBC Midwest. Her work and never-ending passion for social media demonstrate her ambition and love for the field. Her social media presence has established her as a famous and prolific online writer. Jones is also a notable podcast host of “Sarah Jones Break it Down,” which received a positive rating from CommonSense in terms of providing authentic and trustworthy information for more than 100 million children and families on a global scale. 

To put it short, Sarah Jones sets a prime example of a journalist whose passion for the profession is evident through her work, whether it be her penning a book for the kids, covering stories about underreported communities and veterans, and even paying tribute to the fallen journalists.

Secure Gateway®️ is Comprehensive Security for Modern App and APIs

Secure Gateway®️ is a lightweight yet robust security solution that seamlessly integrates into DevOps environments, serving as both a web application firewall (WAF) and Layer 7 denial-of-service (DoS) defense. This innovative technology, invented by ALSCO, Secure Gateway®,️is a registered trademark with number 5899344 and has been granted two patents, with patent numbers 10498760 and 10630721.

Secure Gateway®️ is platform-agnostic and compatible with distributed architectures and hybrid environments. This flexibility delivers consistent protection against a wide range of online threats while ensuring a smooth and efficient software delivery process.

In summary, Secure Gateway®️ is a comprehensive and reliable security solution that offers seamless integration into DevOps environments, providing consistent and innovative protection for your applications and systems.

Why Use a Secure Gateway®️ ?

Secure Gateway

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Platform-Agnostic Security Deployment

Across dispersed architectures and scenarios, including on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud, use the same WAF and DoS defense solution. With Secure Gateway®, you can:

 – Use the Secure Gateway® portfolio for single-vendor app and API protection and threat mitigation to reduce complexity and tool sprawl.

– Deploy this incredibly adaptable software form factor across all modern app topologies, including per-service or per-pod proxies inside the Kubernetes cluster, as well as API gateways and Kubernetes Ingress controllers.

Scale your Kubernetes apps in the cloud with a lightweight, high-performance, low-latency, and low-compute security solution. – Create uniform security rules for web apps, microservices, containers, and APIs.

– Use in CI/CD processes for straightforward security automation

Scalable, High-Performance App and API Protection

Use the lightweight, high performance of Secure Gateway® and the tried-and-true powerful WAF technology for a quick, scalable Layer 7 defense. Use Secure Gateway® to:

– Add more than 15,900 advanced signatures, bot signatures, and threat campaign protection to basic OWASP Top 10 security.

– Guard HTTP/S and HTTP/2 apps within your company, as well as protocols like gRPC and WebSocket.

– Substantially reduce false positives by using trusted, high-confidence signatures when deploying in blocking mode.

– Provide scalable, low-cost distributed DoS (DDoS) protection with adaptive learning for no-touch policy configuration and continuous monitoring of mitigation effectiveness.

– Using built-in Secure Gateway® tools or by sending telemetry to third-party solutions, you can quickly achieve centralized visibility and configuration management over your WAF fleet.

Shift Left for DevSecOps

Enabling a shift-left approach where security is integrated into the software development lifecycle at every level (SDLC). Use Secure Gateway® to:

– Use security automation to cut the cost of breaches by up to 80%.

– Implement DevSecOps, which enables developers to include security as code into CI/CD pipelines, using declarative security policies developed by IT security teams.

Finding and patching vulnerabilities before an app’s introduction into production might help you save time and money.

– Retain developer innovation and agility while creating more dependable apps.

– Quicken time to market while cutting costs, maintaining one step ahead of the competition and satisfying client demand.

Robust WAF Security

For DevOps environments, increase security, speed up DevOps, and make managing your apps and APIs easier. You can: use Secure Gateway® WAF.

– Release apps faster with security automation that effortlessly integrates into CI/CD pipelines. – Exceed basic OWASP Top 10 protection with over 10,900 advanced signatures, bot signatures, and threat campaign protection.

Gain centralized visibility and simple security policy management for complete control of your WAF fleet with Secure Gateway®Management Suite. Deploy as an embedded solution on Secure Gateway®Ingress Controller across all topologies, from the edge load balancer to inside a Kubernetes cluster as a per-pod proxy.

Secure Gateway

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Denial of Service Mitigation for Layer 7 Attacks

Improve security, automate defense, and quicken Layer 7 DoS attack protection for your apps and APIs. You can: use Secure Gateway®-DoS.

Employ machine learning to drastically reduce false positives and adaptive learning for no-touch policy configuration to mitigate assaults faster with a multi-layered security strategy with eBPF technology.

– Obtain better threat detection by using combined service health checks that go beyond observing client traffic patterns.

– Integrate seamlessly with Secure Gateway® Plus or Secure Gateway® Ingress Controller to deploy embedded DoS protection on the load balancer, API gateway, Ingress Controller, or inside the Kubernetes cluster as per-pod or per-service proxies.

– Integrate DevSecOps’ security-as-code automation into CI/CD pipelines.

Beyond the Dam: Kenneth W. Welch Jr.’s Visionary Approach to Hydropower with the Nexus System

Image commercially licensed from Unsplash

As the world grapples with the consequences of climate change, the need to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources has never been more urgent. Governments, businesses, and individuals are investing in renewable technologies like wind, solar, and hydropower to mitigate the environmental impact of energy production. This article explores the benefits and limitations of these energy sources as we look towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Wind and solar energy are often hailed as the forerunners of the renewable energy revolution. Wind turbines harness the power of air currents to generate electricity, while solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into energy. Both technologies have seen significant advancements in recent years, with falling costs and increased efficiency. In fact, global renewable energy capacity has increased by over 260% from 2008 to 2020, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Kenneth W. Welch Jr.

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However, these energy sources come with their own set of limitations. Wind power, for example, is inherently variable and can be unpredictable. Turbines require consistent wind speeds to operate efficiently, which means they may not be suitable for every region. The Cape Wind project in Massachusetts, once planned as the first offshore wind farm in the United States, faced strong opposition from local communities due to concerns about noise pollution and the visual impact of wind turbines on landscapes.

Solar power, too, has its drawbacks. While the cost of solar panels has decreased, they still require a significant upfront investment. The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in California, one of the largest solar thermal power plants in the world, faced challenges with high initial costs and concerns over its impact on local wildlife. Additionally, solar panels rely on sunlight, making them less effective in areas with limited sunshine or during times of the year when daylight hours are shorter. Energy storage solutions, such as batteries, are often necessary to store excess energy generated during peak times, adding to the overall cost of solar power.

Hydropower, which uses the force of flowing water to generate electricity, is another renewable energy source with immense potential. It is the largest source of renewable electricity in the United States, accounting for about 38% of the country’s renewable energy production in 2020, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. However, traditional hydropower relies on dams, which can have significant environmental and social consequences.

The construction of the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil, for instance, faced opposition due to its impact on the environment and the displacement of thousands of indigenous people. Dams alter natural waterways, disrupt ecosystems, and can lead to the emission of greenhouse gases, as trapped organic matter in reservoirs decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

As the world seeks cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions, it’s crucial to acknowledge the limitations of current renewable technologies. The ongoing search for innovative solutions that address these challenges is driving the development of new technologies, some of which have the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy landscape. We will now explore the work of Kenneth W. Welch Jr., a sustainability inventor who has developed a groundbreaking, dam-free hydropower system that could help overcome the challenges faced by traditional renewable energy sources.

Kenneth W. Welch Jr. and the Hydropower Nexus

In the pursuit of innovative solutions to renewable energy challenges, sustainability inventor Kenneth W. Welch Jr. has made significant strides with his Hydropower Nexus, a groundbreaking dam-free, commercial-scale system that harnesses various forms of water power, such as tidal, wave, current, and river energy. To understand the ingenuity behind this technology, it’s crucial to delve into its key components: the SeaDog Energy Stalling Device and the Fulcrum Pond Pounder.

The SeaDog Energy Stalling Device is designed to harness the power of ocean waves by utilizing a series of pumps and pistons, converting wave motion into mechanical energy. When combined with the Fulcrum Pond Pounder, a patented wave-generating technology that requires only 1/10th of the energy of comparable devices, the result is a highly efficient wave energy system. This unique combination allows the SeaDog Hydropower Nexus to generate cost-effective, grid-scale energy on land without relying on the ocean or building dams, setting it apart from traditional wave energy systems.

Mr. Welch’s Hydropower Nexus has the potential to power entire cities using a subterranean system, offering a clean and sustainable energy solution with a minimal footprint. In fact, the technology could support a population of over 2.4 million people while catering to the energy needs of its local economy, all on an aggregate footprint of a square mile or less. This makes it an ideal choice for eco-green cities or communities, as well as existing infrastructure projects.

Kenneth W. Welch Jr.’s dedication to addressing the limitations of current renewable energy sources has garnered praise from industry experts and researchers alike. One expert noted, “The SeaDog Hydropower Nexus offers a promising solution to the limitations of current renewable energy sources. Its efficiency and adaptability could significantly contribute to reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.”

By developing the SeaDog Hydropower Nexus, Mr. Welch has demonstrated his commitment to finding innovative and sustainable solutions that have the potential to transform the renewable energy sector. His vision and determination are commendable, as they pave the way for a more sustainable future that benefits communities around the world.

In conclusion, the innovations of Kenneth W. Welch Jr., including the SeaDog Hydropower Nexus, represent a significant step forward in the quest for sustainable energy solutions that can coexist with our planet’s natural resources. With continued innovation and dedication from pioneers like Welch, we may soon usher in a new era of renewable energy that benefits communities around the world and addresses the environmental challenges we face today.