The Chicago Journal

Your Gateway to the Heartbeat of Chicago

Skilling Up for the Windy City: Chicago Businesses Invest in the Future of Work

Skilling Up for the Windy City: Chicago Businesses Invest in the Future of Work

The landscape of work is changing rapidly.  Automation, artificial intelligence, and the ever-evolving digital world are reshaping industries and demanding new skillsets from the workforce.  This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for Chicago businesses.  While some jobs may become obsolete, others will emerge, requiring a new kind of worker


From Bean to Broccoli: The Rise of Urban Farming in Windy City

From Bean to Broccoli: The Rise of Urban Farming in Windy City

Chicago. The “Windy City,” a place of towering skyscrapers, bustling commerce, and…urban farms?  Yep, you read that right.  While Chicago might be known for its deep dish pizzas and sizzling hot dogs, a quieter revolution is sprouting beneath the radar: the rise of urban agriculture. Now, hold on a sec.