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Supporting Religious Freedom: Trump’s Vision for 2024


By: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

Religious freedom has long been a central theme in Donald Trump’s political platform, and his 2024 campaign places an even stronger emphasis on defending religious liberties, both domestically and internationally. Trump and his supporters argue that religious freedom is not only a constitutional right but also a key component of preserving the social and moral fabric of the United States. Trump’s 2024 platform includes proposals to protect religious individuals and institutions from government overreach, ensure that freedom of religion is upheld in public life, and defend religious freedom around the world.

Highlighting Religious Freedom in the United States

At the heart of Trump’s 2024 platform is his commitment to defending religious freedom in the United States. Trump has consistently argued that the First Amendment right to religious freedom is under threat from government policies and social movements that seek to undermine the role of religion in public life. His platform emphasizes protecting religious institutions and individuals from government mandates that he believes infringe on their right to live according to their faith.

Protecting Religious Institutions from Government Mandates

One of Trump’s key promises in his 2024 platform is to ensure that religious institutions—churches, faith-based schools, charities, and nonprofits—are not forced to violate their religious beliefs in order to comply with government mandates.

Trump’s efforts to protect religious institutions from what some see as government overreach have been welcomed by many religious leaders and conservative legal groups. They believe that requiring religious institutions to act against their beliefs in order to meet secular mandates could undermine religious freedom and pose a challenge to constitutional rights. Supporters often cite cases like Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing religiously affiliated businesses to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage, as important steps in defending religious liberty.

Religious Freedom in Public Life

Trump has also focused on protecting religious expression in public spaces and ensuring that individuals can exercise their faith freely in schools, workplaces, and other public settings. His platform aims to protect students’ rights to pray in schools, allow religious symbols in public areas, and support individuals who face discrimination based on their religious beliefs.

In 2020, Trump signed an executive order that reinforced the right of students and teachers to pray in public schools, asserting that students should not be censored or punished for expressing their religious beliefs. His 2024 platform reiterates this commitment, vowing to defend the religious rights of students and educators across the country.

International Religious Freedom

In addition to defending religious liberty at home, Trump’s platform emphasizes the need to promote and protect religious freedom internationally. His administration made international religious freedom a cornerstone of its foreign policy, advocating for the rights of persecuted religious minorities around the world, particularly in regions where religious discrimination and violence are rampant.

Defending Persecuted Religious Minorities

In his 2024 platform, Trump aims to continue using U.S. influence and diplomatic channels to protect persecuted religious minorities. His platform calls for the U.S. to act as a global advocate for religious freedom, standing up to regimes that infringe on the rights of religious believers.

Supporting Religious Freedom: Trump's Vision for 2024

Photo Courtesy: Dr. Sarah Sun Liew / Meridian Beverly Hills Investment and Legal Group

Criticism and Support

While Trump’s commitment to defending religious freedom has earned him widespread support from religious communities and advocacy groups, critics argue that his policies may blur the line between church and state. Opponents contend that his administration’s approach could potentially favor certain religious groups over others, thereby violating the principle of religious neutrality.

However, Trump’s supporters assert that his policies are designed to uphold the Constitution and ensure that religious individuals and organizations are not discriminated against or marginalized by government policies. They argue that defending religious freedom is about protecting the rights of all religious groups to practice their faith freely without government interference.


Donald Trump’s 2024 platform on religious freedom reflects his ongoing commitment to protecting the constitutional right of all Americans to practice their faith freely.

By focusing on the rights of religious individuals and organizations, Trump’s vision for 2024 aims to reaffirm the place of religion in American society and ensure that religious freedom remains a cornerstone of U.S. constitutional values.

Dr. Sarah Sun Liew for U.S Senate show and today’s America and world new show 

Connect with Dr. Sarah Sun Liew

Direct: (424) 343 7025

Tel: (424) 777 6461







Published by: Nelly Chavez

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