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Is Delta 9 Legal in Chicago?


In recent years, the cannabis industry has experienced a significant transformation, marked by the growing popularity of Delta-9 THC, a psychoactive compound found in cannabis. As more people seek the potential benefits of Delta-9 THC, questions about its legality arise, especially in specific locations like Chicago. In this article, we’ll delve into the legal status of Delta-9 THC in Chicago, exploring the regulatory framework, recent changes, and the implications for consumers.

Understanding Delta-9 THC:

Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly known as Delta-9 THC, is one of the many cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. It’s the compound responsible for the plant’s psychoactive effects, often associated with the sensation of being “high.” While Delta-9 THC is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance at the federal level in the United States, individual states have taken varied approaches to its legality.

The Legalization Landscape in Illinois:

Illinois, the state in which Chicago is located, has been at the forefront of cannabis legalization efforts. In 2019, the state legalized recreational cannabis use for adults, making it the eleventh state in the U.S. to do so. This landmark legislation, known as the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (CRTA), allowed for the possession and private use of cannabis by individuals aged 21 and older.

Delta-9 THC and Hemp-Derived Products:

One important distinction in the legal landscape is the source of Delta-9 THC. While marijuana-derived Delta-9 THC is subject to the regulations outlined in the CRTA, hemp-derived Delta-9 THC falls under a different set of rules. Hemp, a variety of the cannabis plant, is defined by federal law as containing 0.3% or less Delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis.

The 2018 Farm Bill further clarified the legal status of hemp-derived products, including Delta-9 THC, at the federal level. As long as these products meet the specified criteria, they are not considered controlled substances. This federal legalization of hemp opened the door for the production and sale of various hemp-derived products, including Delta-9 THC.

Delta-9 THC Products and Regulation:

In Chicago, as in the rest of Illinois, the regulation of Delta-9 THC products involves careful scrutiny of their sources and concentrations. Dispensaries and retailers are required to comply with state laws and regulations, ensuring that the products they offer adhere to the prescribed limits of Delta-9 THC content.

Consumers must also be aware of the importance of purchasing from licensed and reputable establishments to ensure the quality and safety of Delta-9 THC products. The legal market for cannabis products, including those containing Delta-9 THC, is tightly regulated to protect consumers and prevent the illicit market from thriving.

Implications for Consumers:

For residents and visitors in Chicago, the legality of Delta-9 THC boils down to its source and concentration. Legal dispensaries in the city offer a range of cannabis products (Delta 9 gummies, disposables and more), including those with varying levels of Delta-9 THC. However, consumers must exercise caution and stay informed about the specific regulations in place.

It’s crucial to emphasize that while the recreational use of cannabis is legal in Illinois, certain restrictions and regulations apply. Public consumption, driving under the influence, and possession of amounts exceeding the legal limits are strictly prohibited and subject to legal consequences.

The Role of Local Authorities:

Local authorities in Chicago play a vital role in enforcing cannabis regulations and ensuring compliance with state laws. The Chicago Police Department, in collaboration with other relevant agencies, is responsible for monitoring and addressing any issues related to the illegal possession, distribution, or use of Delta-9 THC products.

Law enforcement agencies often engage in community outreach programs to educate the public about the legal framework surrounding cannabis use. This proactive approach aims to foster understanding and cooperation between the authorities and the community, ultimately promoting responsible and legal consumption.

Ongoing Legislative Developments:

It’s important to note that the legal landscape surrounding cannabis, including Delta-9 THC, is dynamic and subject to change. Legislative developments at both the state and federal levels can impact the regulations governing the production, sale, and consumption of cannabis products.

In Chicago, as in other jurisdictions, it is advisable for individuals to stay informed about any updates or changes in the legal status of Delta-9 THC. This awareness ensures that consumers can make informed decisions and navigate the evolving cannabis landscape with confidence.


As the popularity of Delta-9 THC continues to rise, understanding its legal status is crucial for residents and visitors in Chicago. The city, situated in a state that has embraced recreational cannabis use, provides a framework for legal consumption. However, consumers must remain vigilant, recognizing the importance of purchasing from licensed establishments and adhering to the established regulations.

By staying informed about the legal landscape, individuals can enjoy the potential benefits of Delta-9 THC responsibly and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding cannabis legalization. As legislative developments unfold, Chicago’s residents can expect further clarity on the regulatory framework, ensuring a balanced and well-informed approach to the use of Delta-9 THC within the bounds of the law.

April is SAAM, Sexual Assault Awareness Month. What you can do to help.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is observed every April to increase public awareness about sexual violence and engage communities in prevention efforts. The goal of SAAM is to help individuals and communities understand that sexual assault is a serious problem with a lasting impact on survivors, families, and society.

The exact number of people who are sexually assaulted in the United States each year is difficult to determine because it is often underreported. However, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime. Additionally, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) reports that on average, there are 433,648 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the U.S. However, it is important to note that these statistics represent known reported cases, and, as mentioned before, it is likely that the actual number of sexual assaults is higher due to underreporting.

The origin of SAAM dates back to the 1970s when activists started organizing rallies and events to raise awareness about sexual violence and advocate for survivors. It was officially launched as a national awareness campaign in the United States in 2001, and since then, it has been observed annually in many countries around the world.

SAAM aims to educate people on how to prevent sexual violence, promote healthy relationships, and support survivors. It provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to come together and take action to end sexual violence. By raising awareness about sexual assault and promoting prevention efforts, we can create a safer and more equitable world for all.

Here are some points that people should keep in mind this month during SAAM, and beyond:

  1. Sexual assault is a serious crime with severe physical, emotional, and mental consequences for the survivor.

  2. Consent is key. Sexual activity without active, affirmative, and ongoing consent is sexual assault.
  3. Sexual assault can happen to anyone regardless of their gender, age, race, or sexual orientation.
  4. Supporting survivors and offering them safe spaces and resources is crucial to their healing.
  5. We can all play a role in preventing sexual violence by challenging harmful attitudes and behaviors, educating ourselves and our communities, and promoting healthy and respectful relationships.
  6. There are a variety of support resources available for survivors, such as hotlines and counseling services.
  7. It is important to believe survivors and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

By spreading awareness about sexual assault and taking action to prevent it, we can create a safer and more supportive world for all. Some who have been victimized, have found ways of dealing with the aftermath and healing from it. Hagit Vardi was one such person. 

Healing takes a lot of work and a lot of time, perhaps an entire lifetime, but when Hagit began recovering, she discovered poetry helped her to deal with those complex and sometimes conflicting feelings.

SAAMAnd She Wasn’t Damaged: Poems for Speaker and Chorus is a collection of poems that gives us a glimpse into the emotional and physical world of those who survive abuse–the self doubt, anger, shame, and despair that arise from the struggle between the need to know and the fear of knowing. While these poems serve as a voice for survivors, they also enlighten us about the intense and lasting effects of abuse.

Here is one of her poems from And She Wasn’t Damaged:

It May Well Be


It may well be

I have to take myself apart

Then put myself together anew

It may well be

Now the time is right

Although it was a long time due

If asked before the blast

I wouldn’t have been motivated

But then – I didn’t know

I wasn’t liberated

About Hagit Vardi: Hagit Vardi trained as a flutist and later in different modalities of healing arts. For the past twenty years, Hagit has been helping people as a Feldenkrais practitioner (including at the University of Wisconsin Integrative Health program) and has been teaching Feldenkrais for Musicians courses and workshops with her husband, Uri Vardi. In her sixties, Vardi started writing poetry as part of her healing process. She has published five books of poetry in Hebrew with Pardes Publishing. Her poems were published in newspapers, literary magazines and on the radio, and attract attention among mental health professionals and the centers of assistance for victims of sexual abuse. 






Uber Promotes Safe E-biking with New Trade-in Program

Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is taking a proactive approach to address the issue of battery fires in e-bikes. The company has announced that it is funding an e-bike trade-in program in several cities around the world. The initiative aims to encourage people to trade in their old e-bikes for new ones with safer batteries.

The program is part of Uber’s effort to promote sustainable transportation and to ensure the safety of its riders and drivers. This article will discuss the reasons behind the e-bike trade-in program, its benefits, and the impact it could have on the environment and the e-bike industry.


E-bikes have gained popularity in recent years as an eco-friendly and affordable mode of transportation. However, the batteries used in these bikes have been a cause for concern. There have been reports of e-bike batteries catching fire or exploding, causing injuries and property damage. This has led to several recalls of e-bikes with faulty batteries. The problem is not limited to a particular brand or model of e-bike. It is a widespread issue that affects the entire industry.

Reasons for the E-Bike Trade-in Program

The e-bike trade-in program is Uber’s response to the battery fire issue. The company has recognized that e-bikes are an essential part of its business and that it has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its riders and drivers. By funding the trade-in program, Uber aims to encourage people to switch to e-bikes with safer batteries. The program will also help to remove old e-bikes with faulty batteries from the market, reducing the risk of accidents.

Benefits of the E-Bike Trade-in Program

The e-bike trade-in program has several benefits. Firstly, it will help to improve the safety of e-bikes, reducing the risk of accidents caused by faulty batteries. Secondly, it will encourage people to switch to more sustainable modes of transportation, reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality.

Thirdly, the program will stimulate the e-bike industry by creating demand for new bikes with safer and more reliable batteries. Finally, the program will help to reduce waste by removing old e-bikes from the market and recycling their parts.

Implementation of the E-Bike Trade-in Program

The e-bike trade-in program will be implemented in several cities around the world. Uber has partnered with local e-bike dealers to offer discounts on new e-bikes to customers who trade in their old ones.

The program will be available to all e-bike owners, regardless of the brand or model of their bike. The trade-in value will depend on the condition of the bike and the age of its battery. Uber has set aside a significant amount of funding for the program, which will be distributed to the e-bike dealers to cover the cost of the discounts.

Impact of the E-Bike Trade-in Program

The e-bike trade-in program could have a significant impact on the e-bike industry and the environment. Firstly, it will encourage people to switch to e-bikes with safer batteries, which will reduce the risk of accidents and increase the demand for more reliable e-bikes. This will encourage e-bike manufacturers to invest in research and development to improve the safety and reliability of their batteries.

Secondly, the program will reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality by promoting sustainable transportation. Finally, the program will reduce waste by removing old e-bikes from the market and recycling their parts.

Challenges of the E-Bike Trade-in Program

The e-bike trade-in program could face several challenges. Firstly, some e-bike owners may not be willing to trade in their old bikes, even if they have faulty batteries. This could be due to sentimental value or a lack of awareness of the risks associated with faulty batteries. Secondly, the program may not be accessible to everyone, as it will only be available in select cities.

This could limit its impact on the e-bike industry and the environment. Finally, the program may be costly to implement, as Uber will need to allocate a significant amount of funding to cover the cost of the discounts.


The e-bike trade-in program is a proactive approach by Uber to address the issue of battery fires in e-bikes. The program aims to encourage people to switch to e-bikes with safer batteries, reduce the risk of accidents, promote sustainable transportation, stimulate the e-bike industry, and reduce waste. While the program could face several challenges, it has the potential to make a significant impact on the e-bike industry and the environment.

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Navigating Child Therapy in Chicago: A Guide for Parents

When it comes to seeking therapy for their children, parents in Chicago may feel overwhelmed by the many options available. From traditional talk therapy to art therapy and play therapy, knowing which type of therapy best suits a child’s unique needs can be challenging. 

This guide aims to provide parents with a comprehensive overview of child therapy in Chicago and how to navigate the process.

Why Seek Therapy for Children

There are many reasons why parents may consider seeking therapy for their child. Some common reasons include the following:

  • Behavioral Issues: If a child is displaying problematic behaviors such as aggression, defiance, or withdrawal, therapy can help identify the root cause and provide strategies for managing those behaviors.
  • Emotional Difficulties: Children may struggle with anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues that can impact their daily life. Therapy can provide a safe space for children to express their feelings and develop coping skills.
  • Trauma: Children who have experienced trauma, such as abuse or neglect, may benefit from therapy to process their experiences and work towards healing.
  • Developmental Delays: Children with developmental delays or disabilities may need therapy to help them develop social, communication, and other skills.
  • Family Issues: Therapy can also be beneficial for families going through difficult transitions such as divorce, relocation, or the loss of a loved one.

Types of Child Therapy

There are various types of therapy available for children. Here are some of the most common:

  • Talk Therapy: Also known as psychotherapy, talk therapy involves verbal communication between the child and the therapist.
    This kind of therapy is usually used for children who can express themselves verbally and benefit from exploring their thoughts and feelings in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Play Therapy: This type of therapy makes use of play to assist kids in expressing themselves and navigating challenging emotions. Play therapy can benefit children who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally or have experienced trauma.
  • Art Therapy: Art therapy involves using art materials such as paint, markers, and clay to help children express themselves and explore their emotions. This type of therapy can be particularly helpful for children who may have difficulty verbalizing their feelings.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): The goal of CBT is to recognize and alter unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors. It can be beneficial for children with anxiety, depression, or other emotional difficulties.
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy involves working with the entire family to identify and address issues that may be impacting the child. This type of therapy can benefit families going through difficult transitions, such as divorce or adjusting to a new family member.

Finding a Therapist

The next step is to select a therapist who is a suitable fit when a parent has made the decision to take their child to therapy. Here are some tips for finding a therapist in Chicago:

  • Get Referrals: Ask pediatricians, teachers, and other parents for recommendations. Online directories such as Psychology Today can also be helpful resources.
  • Research Credentials: Look for licensed therapists in Illinois who have experience working with children. It can also be helpful to look for therapists who have specialized training in the type of therapy being sought.
  • Consider Logistics: Take into account factors such as location, availability, and insurance coverage when selecting a therapist.
  • Make an Initial Appointment: Once a therapist has been selected, schedule an initial appointment to ensure that the therapist is a good fit for the child and family.


Seeking therapy for a child can be a difficult decision for parents, but it can ultimately lead to positive outcomes for the child’s emotional and mental well-being. Understanding the different types of therapy available in Chicago and finding a therapist who is a good fit for the child and family can make the process smoother. 

Parents can help their child develop the skills and resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges with the right resources and support.

Are you looking to stay informed about the top stories and trends in business, entertainment, technology, sports, politics, and health in Chicago? Check out The Chicago Journal, your ultimate online news portal in Windy City.

What We Know So Far about Upcoming Netflix Series Avatar: The Last Airbender

The announcement of a live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender was met with mixed reactions from fans. The previous attempt at a live-action adaptation, a movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan, was widely panned by both fans and critics. However, Netflix has promised that they will stay true to the original source material and have assembled a talented team to bring the show to life.

So, what do we know about the upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender Netflix series? Read on as your trusted source of online entertainment news shares some updates:

The Cast

There have been two major announcements regarding the cast, as well as several additional castings throughout the process. In August 2021, the first group of actors who will be playing key roles in the upcoming series was revealed.

The famous characters will be portrayed by these performers:

  • Gordon Cormier as Aang
  • Kiawentiio Tarbell as Katara
  • Ian Ousley as Sokka
  • Dallas Liu as Zuko
  • Maria Zhang as Suki
  • Yvonne Chapman as Avatar Kyoshi
  • Casey Camp-Horinek as Gran Gran
  • Elizabeth Yu cast as Azula

The roles of Uncle Iroh, Gyatso, and Commander Zhao have been assigned to Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Lim Kay Siu, and Ken Leung in that order.

Other cast members include:

  • George Takei as Koh
  • Randall Duk Kim as Wan Shi Tong
  • Thalia Tran as Mai
  • Irene Bedard as Yagoda
  • Tamlyn Tomita as Yukari
  • François Chau as the Great Sage of the Fire Temple.
  • Ryan Mah as Fire Navy officer Lieutenant Dang (an original character)
  • Meegwun Fairbrother as Avatar Kuruk
  • Joel Oulette as Hahn of the Northern Water Tribe
  • Arden Cho as June
  • Joel Montgrand as Hakoda
  • Momona Tamada as Ty Lee
  • Rainbow Dickerson as Kya (Sokka and Katar’s mother)
  • James Sie as a cabbage merchant
  • Nathaniel Arcand as Chief Arnook
  • Danny Pudi as Mechanist
  • A Martinez as Master Pakku
  • Amber Midthunder as Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe.
  • Utkarsh Ambudkar as King Bumi of Omashu

Although there were rumors, Dante Basco, the voice actor for Prince Zuko in the animated series, later confirmed that he would not be reprising his role.

Who Are Involved in This Netflix Project?

One of the most thrilling developments at the start of the project was that the individuals who initially produced the Nickelodeon show would be participating.

Regrettably, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the creators of the show and would be in charge of overseeing it as executive producers and showrunners, left the project in the middle of 2020.

Netflix announced in February 2023 that Takeshi Furukawa would be responsible for the music in the upcoming Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Moreover, the original themes of the show will be incorporated into the new series as well.

Furukawa is responsible for creating the music for The Last Guardian video game on PlayStation and Mythic Quest on Apple TV+.

Dan Lin, through his company Rideback, is credited as an executive producer for some of Warner Brothers’ biggest movies, such as the Sherlock Holmes series, the Lego Movies, and the IT movies. He’s now listed as an executive producer for Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Albert Kim is now managing the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. He has previously worked with TNT on Leverage and Nikita. Ryan Halprin and Lindsey Liberatore have also joined the team as producers, with Rideback Productions being the main company behind the production. Rideback has also recently sold a different project to Netflix named Parallel.

IMDBPro has announced that Jang Chol Lee will be the concept designer for the series. He has previously worked on movies such as Big Hero 6, Tangled, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and Beowulf.


The Avatar: The Last Airbender Netflix series has the potential to be a great adaptation of the beloved animated series. With a promise to stay true to the source material, fans can rest assured that the show will be in good hands. 

While there is still much we don’t know about the series, fans are eagerly anticipating any news and are excited to see their favorite characters brought to life in a new way. Only time will tell if the Avatar: The Last Airbender Netflix series will live up to the hype, but we remain hopeful.

Watch out for more updates on this exciting upcoming show on The Chicago Journal’s online web portal.

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Going Dark: A Story of Love, War, and Revenge

This is a story about love and revenge. Greighton J. Rivera, an active-duty soldier and lifelong writing enthusiast, is excited to announce the release of his debut novel, Going Dark: Make Sure To Know Your Enemy. The digital version of the book will be available soon with paperback and hardback editions to follow.

Going Dark is a powerful story about the strength of love and brotherhood, even in the most challenging of circumstances. The plot follows two British SAS lieutenants as they lead a unique team, but a brutal attack forces the survivors to navigate their way out of the darkness and confront their burning desire for revenge.

Rivera notes, “Although this is a war story with thrilling elements, it also delves deep into the personal lives and relationships of the characters. With Going Dark, I aimed to provide readers with a gripping read that also leaves a lasting reminder of the power of resilience and compassion.”

Although Going Dark is Rivera’s first published novel, he has been writing poems and relationship commentary for his nearly 200,000 Facebook followers since 2006. Rivera’s debut novel is intended to reach new audiences with a positive message.

“I have a passion for fiction writing, especially war and relationship stories, which has been with me since I was 16,” says Rivera. “Going Dark is the culmination of everything I love and I hope it resonates with readers.”

Going Dark promises to be an unforgettable novel, packed with action, emotion, and themes that will stick with readers long after they have finished reading. Rivera’s debut is sure to be an instant classic and an exciting addition to the world of literature.

Going Dark will be available soon in digital format, with paperback and hardback editions to follow soon after. Don’t miss out on this thrilling debut novel from Greighton J. Rivera.

Craft Cannabis Growers in Illinois Receive License Extension

Craft cannabis growers in Illinois have received a much-needed extension to their cultivation license. With the extension, the growers can continue cultivating and providing their products to the market, which is a significant relief for the industry.

Cannabis Legalization in Illinois 

Illinois legalized adult-use cannabis in January 2020, and the state created a licensing system for growers, processors, and dispensaries. The Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) is responsible for regulating the cultivation of cannabis in the state. However, the licensing process has been slow, and some growers have not received their licenses yet.

In addition to the slow licensing process, the COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the industry. Many cultivators have been unable to sell their products due to decreased demand and the closure of dispensaries. This has led to financial difficulties for many growers, particularly small businesses.

Extension of License

The original deadline for those with craft grow licenses to start their businesses was March 1. Now, the new deadline for the first round of license holders is February 1, 2024, and for the second round, December 1, 2024. While there are still difficulties related to funding, the extension will allow growers to continue cultivating and selling their products while they wait for their licenses to be approved.

The extension applies to craft growers who have submitted a complete application for a cultivation license and have not received a license or a notice of deficiency from the IDOA. The extension provides growers with a 120-day grace period, during which they can continue to cultivate and sell their products.

The extension is a welcome relief for many growers struggling to stay afloat. It gives them a lifeline to continue operating their businesses while waiting for their licenses to be approved. The extension also helps to ensure that the supply of cannabis products in the state remains stable.

Impact of the Extension

The extension is expected to have a positive impact on the craft cannabis industry in Illinois. It will give growers the financial support they need to continue operating their businesses and keep their employees on the payroll. The extension will also help to maintain the supply of cannabis products in the state, which is essential for patients who rely on medical cannabis.

The extension is also expected to encourage more growers to enter the industry. With the extension in place, growers can be confident that they can continue cultivating and selling their products, even if their licenses are delayed. This may lead to increased competition in the industry, which could result in lower consumer prices.

Challenges for the Cannabis Growers Industry

Although the extension is a positive development for the industry, growers still face challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the slow licensing process. Many growers have been waiting for months to receive their licenses, which has caused financial difficulties for small businesses.

Another challenge is the lack of access to banking services. Because cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, many banks hesitate to provide services to cannabis businesses. This makes it difficult for growers to access loans and other financial services, hindering their ability to grow and expand their businesses.


The extension of the cultivation licenses for craft cannabis growers in Illinois is a significant development for the industry. It provides growers with the financial support they need to continue operating their businesses and helps to maintain the supply of cannabis products in the state. However, there are still challenges that growers face, including the slow licensing process and the lack of access to banking services. Addressing these challenges will be essential for the long-term success of the industry.

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