The North American Collegiate League Welcomes Fitness Expert Paige Hathaway

The esports titan flexes its might by joining forces with the unstoppable health and wellness guru.

In a fitting celebration of Women’s History Month, The North American Collegiate League is proud to announce its newest brand ambassador—fitness queen Paige Hathaway. Having conquered the health and wellness space, Paige now brings her unstoppable brand to esports. Such a partnership is long overdue: in 2020, women accounted for forty percent of American gamers and that number will assuredly grow. The NACL, itself a trailblazer in esports, is thrilled to open its arms—and its resources—to Paige’s noble pursuits. To usher in the partnership, Hathaway will host a commemorative Fortnite duos tournament on March 21st, with more than $1,000 in prizes earmarked for the winners. The spoils, of course, extend well beyond the riches.

Once a niche favorite, native Minnesotan-turned-Texan Paige Hathaway has exploded into the public eye—boasting 4 million followers on Instagram (@paigehathaway) and more than 5 million Facebook fans (@paigehathawayfit). Paige is undoubtedly a role model for women of all ages, but her story is universal. And she prides herself on an ecumenical appeal and approach. The NACL is all for it: once considered the dominion of the inert male, esports is making a concerted effort to encourage physical fitness and diversity alongside mental acuity and reflexive rigor. Who better to lead that charge than Paige?

NACL founder David Chen cannot control his enthusiasm for the alliance: “To say I’m thrilled that Paige Hathaway is bringing her standard for personal excellence and story of perseverance to the NACL is beyond an understatement. I am floored and honored. I started the NACL with a vision toward helping people improve their lives in all facets. Now, with Paige onboard, I can say we’re one step closer to attaining that goal.”

Hathaway joins an esteemed pair of powerful women already installed at the NACL: cofounder Tiffany Tran and global esports news anchor Katie Scott, she of NACL Knows All fame. NACL fans will get their first real glimpse of Paige on March 21st, during what is sure to be an unprecedented and unforgettable Fortnite tourney. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for an exclusive interview with Paige conducted by our very own VP of Media, Daniel Sozomenu.Stay up to date on all things esports and NACL-specific via Instagram (@Play.nacl), Twitter (@PlayNACL), and web at And Happy Women’s History Month!